Ch. 6

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Draco's POV

I couldn't believe that Hermione agreed to stay with last night it shocked me that she would do that. I still remembered the feeling of having her in my arms, it felt like nothing could go wrong. She helped all the stress and pain go away, also that the first full night of sleep I had since the beginning of the war.

The feeling of having her in my arms felt right, I felt that I need to protect her she was so fragile compared to me. If only she knew. I had a crush on her since 5th year but I kept up the tormenting and hatred to hide it I knew my family would reject my feelings and would have ended up doing something to get rid of her. I couldn't let hat happen.

Everytime I saw her and Weasley kiss or hug it cause pain. I had never been able to feel the love they shared and I wish I could but I was always afraid of love because anyone I cared about was almost killed in the war and this caused me to fear for her life.

I still remember during the war in the manor when I was asked to prove that it was Harry, Ron a Hermione that they had captured. I remembered once I saw her I vowed to protect her no matter what it took. When she was being tortured I wanted to kill my own aunt for hurting her but I had to keep up the death eater act in front of my family.

When we woke up Hermione said that she was just trying to comfort me and that it was nothing. It bothered me I wanted to tell her the truth then and there but I knew she had Ron and they were happy together. We walked to breakfast together after we both took showers and got dressed. When we walked into the great hall I knew all eyes were on me. Hermione reached over and squeezed my hand reassuring me everything would be ok. We separated ways and I sat at my table never taking my eye off of Hermione.


Hermione's POV

As I sat down I noticed Draco never stopped looking at me. But then I noticed Ron staring at me,


"Nothing I was just wondering why you were holding his hand?!"

"I wasn't holding it I was trying to reassure him everyone was staring at him, he had a rough night. I'm the only one trying to help him"


Ron got up and stormed out Harry immediately went after him and Ginny started asking me what happened. When I told her about last night and how I felt she went crazy,

"Are you serious that's like cheating but you don't mean to"

"I know but it just happened and I was only trying to help him. I made sure to tell him it meant nothing and I was just glad to help"

"Good you don't need him to get the wrong idea"


We decided to go walk around today was a Saturday and we didn't have classes till Sunday again. As we walked around I began to think more about last night. I felt different in Draco's arms than I ever have in Ron's he showed me more compassion in one moment then Ron had in our entire relationship. Maybe this meant something. I decided to push those thoughts away and hope that everything would become normal again.

I just wished that Ron put more effort into our relationship. I wanted it to be like Harry and Ginny's they always kissed and hugged and acted like it was still the first time. They always made sure to tell the other how they felt and they loved each other and made sure that everyone knew.

Ron was like this in the beginning when we started dating. It had started with simple feelings and it grew into love. During the war we both put it away to protect each other but we couldn't hide it. Ron always made sure I was ok and always protected me. I still remember our first kiss in the chamber of secrets. After that moment everything changed between us.

The day slowly came to an end and before I knew it it was time for patrol again. Curfew was a little later because it was the weekend but me and Draco still had to go around. As we walked around we never really talked but Draco started a conversation

"So about last night?"

"It was nothing as I said I'm with Ron and I was just helping you through a rough patch"


We walked in an awkward silence for a long time until the silence was broken by something falling. We both stopped and looked around suddenly we heard voices and giggling. We followed the sound to a little closet in the corridors where they kept the cleaning supplies for the floor. Draco went and opened the door what I saw both shocked me and broke my heart at the same time.


Leaving you at a cliff hanger for now. I will update tomorrow when I get home from school. I'm on a roll right now 1 to 2 chapters per day hopefully I can keep it up. Make sure to let me know what you think.

And what do you think Hermione saw in the closet?

Comment and let me know

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