Ch. 5

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I woke up to the sound of what sounded like something being thrown around. I got up and wondered what it was, I followed the sound to Malfoy's room. I knocked on the door.

"Go away!"

His voice sound raspy and he sounded like he was crying.

"Draco open the door."

I pleaded, he opens the door

"You called me Draco"

I hadn't even noticed but I looked at his face it was puffy and his eyes were red and bloodshot

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, I'm gonna take the day off if that's ok"

"Sure take as much time as you need hope you feel better"

He closed the door and I walked back to my room, I wonder what that was about. I looked at the time I ha an hour before breakfast. I went into the connected bathroom and locked the doors. I took everything off and stepped into the warm water letting it wash everything away with it. I wondered about Malfoy; why was he crying? What happened? I knew Malfoy enough to know he never cries. I decided to ignore it, I finished my shower and used a spell to dry my hair. I walked into my room and put on my robes. Once I was ready I went to breakfast.

As I walked down the corridors I saw a few students walking around. I walked into the great hall to see Harry,Ron and Ginny sitting at the gryffindor table. They were all huddled around a newspaper. I walked over and stood behind then and began to read the front page

'Lucius Malfoy sentenced to dementors kiss later tonight'

I gasped and instantly understood why Draco was upset his father was going to be killed tonight and he could do nothing about it.

"Oh hey mione' "

Ron turned around and saw my face and was concerned



"So the ferrets dad is getting killed tonight serves him right"

"Ron that's not right you don't understand what Draco is going through, he was crying and throwing things this morning"

"Oh, wait did you call him draco?!"

"I guess I did"

I sat in silence and read the article over Ron's shoulder. Now I understood why Malfoy was upset and I hoped he could get over it. Before I knew it breakfast was over and I was going to my first class, potions.

I was pretty good at but Ron said I was the best in our year. Time went by quick and soon enough the day was over it was almost time for dinner so I went back to my room to rest for a bit and do some homework. I walked into the common room to see Malfoy laying on the couch staring at the ceiling. I walked up to him and he glance at me

"Do you want some tea, my mom always said it helps when your upset"

"Sure I guess"

He sat up and moved over so I could sit down. I walked into my room, I had learned to keep some tea in my bag during the war to help me wake up sometimes. I summoned cups and water, I heated the water and made the tea. I walked out of my room and handed him one of the cups


I looked at him he still looked upset but not as bad as this morning.

"I know why your upset and I understand"

"I don't know why I'm so upset though he was a horrible father and forced me to do everything. If I didn't listen I was punished I was like a piece of clay he could mold."

"He's your father it's normal to be upset no matter how he treated you"

"True, so do you still wanna patrol tonight"

"I was gonna go by myself. Are you up to go?"

"Yeah I'm fine now"

We sat in silence and drank our tea. We started talking about our time after the war. I felt bad that his father was arrested and his mother went into depression. I had seen something similar happen to George after Fred died. He was always upset. But it wasn't as bad as his mother. We decided to skip dinner and just grab something from the kitchen and talk in our common room. Maybe Malfoy had changed after the war.

We finished eating and I started working on homework. Once I finished me and Malfoy went on our patrol. The halls were pretty creepy at night. I felt on edge the whole time we were walking. As we walked we caught a few first years lost in the halls and helped them back to their house. It began to get cold as we were walking, I began to shake I was stupid to wear my short sleeve blouse. Suddenly I felt something go around my shoulders. I looked at what it was and then at Malfoy, he had given me his coat.


"No problem"

He gave me a genuine smile not a smirk, it was the first time I actually saw him smile showing teeth. We began walking around until we shuffling. We stopped and looked around when suddenly I ran into Ron.

"What are you doing out here?"

"Nothing, night"

He ran to the gryffindor rooms as if there was a fire. I had noticed his hair was messed up and he looked worried to see me. Suddenly me and Malfoy turned around and saw another figure running the other way. That was strange. We finished the patrol and walked back towards our rooms. I went to walk to my room when Malfoy started breaking down. I grabbed him arm and dragged him to the sofa and sat him down. I pulls him into a hug and let him cry. He tried to push me away but then took the hug and started calming down


He wiped his eyes

"It's ok it's tough with what your going through."

"My father is getting killed tonight"

He said it as if the world was ending

"It's ok you'll learn to cope with it"

I walked up the stairs and got dressed in sweatpants and a T shirt. I went back into the common room and sat with Malfoy. He had changed into sweatpants and a sweatshirt. We sat and just enjoyed each others company. Over time we ended up laying down him behind me. I was facing him his head was in my hair and he hugged me afraid that I would leave him to go back into his depression.

"Please don't leave me stay with me tonight"

"Anything you need just tell me"

I snuggled into his chest as he pulled me closer


I began to fall asleep and before I knew it we fell asleep in each other embrace as if nothing in the world could change. We had no problems and everything was perfect. But waking up the next morning caused us to wake up from our dream. We decided to act like it didn't happen. But really I couldn't get the feeling out of my head, the feeling of being in his arm just felt right like nothing in the world could hurt us.



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So what do you think should happen next between Hermione and Draco? And what do you think Ron was doing so late at night?

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