Ch. 28

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Me and Draco walk down the corridors in silent and make our way to the hospital wing. Once we walk through the doors Draco has me sit on one of the hospital beds. I lay down an close my eyes because of the migraine I have now.

Soon a nurse comes over

"So what's wrong?"

I sit up and tell her everything. She has Draco leave and then she sits next to me

"Have you had your monthly yet?"

"Um no but I should be getting it soon"

But then I notice I didn't have it last month

"But I skipped last month"

She looks at me

"Wait here a second"

I stay sitting there, what if I'm pregnant?

Soon the nurse comes back with some water for me and she has a little box in her hand

"Have you been sick?"

"Just a few minutes ago"

"Ok well I'm going to ask that you take this"

I look at the box she is handing me, it's a pregnancy test

"I know it's a muggle thing but it works well. I'll stay with you to wait for results and reassure you"


I get up slowly and walk to the bathrooms

"Here goes nothing"

I read the instructions on the test and follow them. I then see its about a 3 minute wait. I walk back outside with the test and the nurse places it down.

"Do you want me to get you boyfriend in here or?"

"No I'll wait for that"

She sits with and reassures me as I wait. I begin to cry due to the fear of being pregnant

'What if Draco dumped me?'

'Would he want the baby?'

'Would he be mad?'

About 100 questions zip through my head

"Everything will be fine"

"I'm just scared"

"I understand"

She sits with me until the timer goes off and she gets up and allows me the privacy to look at the test. I dread looking at the little plastic thing. I slowly lean forward and grab it. I cover it so I don't see it at first and then I uncover it to see a big pink +

I stare at it in shock and start to cry even more than before. The nurse comes running back and hugs me

"It's ok"

"No it's not"

"I know how you feel I became pregnant during school. But my boyfriend left me seeing as how your boyfriend is he won't do that"

"Are you sure?"


She walks away and opens the door letting Draco in. He sees me crying and runs to me. I break down even more being in his arms. But then he kisses me and when he pulls away he sees something in my hand

"What's that?"

He looks up at me and sees how upset I am


"You'll leave me won't you"

"What are talking about?"

"Draco this is a pregnancy test"

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