Ch. 19- Christmas part 1

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I was looking through my closet and then I found my outfit for christmas. I put the clothes on my bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower. Once I finished I used a spell to dry myself including my hair. I walk back into my room and start to get dressed.

I put on the red sweater and jeans. I exuded to wait on my Uggs. I went up to my mirror and did my makeup. I put on eyeliner and mascara. I went through my bag and grabbed a black eye shadow and out it on and then I put on a bit of foundation to even out my skin. Once I was satisfied I do my hair.

I thought about what to do. I put it into a braid but decided to just leave it natural. I put in my short chestnut Uggs and looked in my full body mirror. I liked my outfit and decided to see how Draco was doing getting ready. I opened my door and walked across the hall and knocked in his door

"Come in"

I open the door and see him in black jeans and a silver dress shirt having issues with his one sleeve

"Here let me help"

I walk up him and button his sleeve and fix it.

"Thanks I can never do that arm"

"Your welcome"

He looks me up and down

"Stop that"

"Stop what?"

He smiles

"Checking me out"

I go up to his dresser. He comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder

"Well you're my girlfriend so it's ok. If I wasn't then it wouldn't be"


He kisses my neck a few times until I turn around and kiss him. He deepens the kiss a bit and leans me against the dresser and puts his hands on my back supporting me. I run hands up his back and into his hair. He turns his head so I follow his lead and turn mine the other way. He traces his tongue over my lips and I give him entrance. He groans and our tongues begin to fight for dominance.

We heard a chuckle and someone say

"What is this?"

really loudly. We jump apart an hit foreheads. We both groan in pain and hold our heads. Draco backs away from me and I look at the doorway and see my mom smiling and my dad bright red with anger. I walk out of the room awkwardly and go to my room my mom follows and I'm guessing my dad is now giving Draco a piece of his mind.

"It's ok your father just isn't used to seeing his daughter kissing someone"

"Yeah I know it's fine but it's awkward"

"Yeah well I think it's happened to everyone"


Me and my mom walk downstairs and wait for my dad and Draco. They walk down and Draco looks paler than usual and is looking at the ground. My dads face is bright red

"Ready to go?"


Me and my mom say in unison. We walk to the car me and Draco sit in the back and my dad drives with my mom in the passenger seat. I look at Draco and whisper

"What happened?"

"Your dad thought I was trying something. But I explained everything to him and then he threatened to do some things so yeah"

"What did he threaten?"

"He threatened to prevent me from having kids in a very scary way"

"Sounds just about right"

He looks at me with wide eyes. Before I know it we arrive at my aunt and uncles house where most of my family was. Draco started to tap his foot, I noticed he does that when he is nervous. We all get out of the car but Draco made sure to open my door.

We walk up to the house and my dad knocks in the door.

"Merry christmas"

My aunt opens the door and gives us all hugs and kisses on the cheek. She stepped aside and let us in

"And who might this be?"

She smiles at Draco and then looks at me

"Oh aunt Marie this is my boyfriend Draco, Draco this is my aunt Marie"

He extends his hand and she shakes it.

"Let's introduce him shall we"

"Of course"

I grab his hand and we walk into the den where my family was sitting around on couches and a few of my little cousins sitting on the ground playing with new toys they got. We walked in and were greeted with hugs and kissed. I introduced Draco to my family and my little cousin Ariel asked

"Is he your boyfriend?"

"Yes he is"

"How long have you been going out?"

"About 6 months now"


We all sat down and my aunt decided to pass out the gifts before we ate dinner. My cousin opened their presents and most of them were new toys. My mom got a few shirts and jackets. I got new sweaters and shoes. My dad got dress shirts and ties. I noticed Draco looked left out and I felt bad I gave him his gift yesterday

Once everyone finished Draco handed me a box. I unwrap it a see a note

'Hermione I love you and remember when we say forever and always what do you think about that?'

I look at him

"What do you mean what do think about that?"

"Just wait"

He stood and put out his hand. I stood up and took it. I look at my mom in confusion she winks at me. WTH. He led me to a little balcony that was attached to the back of the house

"Why did you bring me here?"

"To give you your present"

He took out a little velvet box from his back pocket and held it out. He handed it to me but stopped me

"Before you open it I just want to say I love you forever and always"

I looked at him weird. I opened the box to see a ring (pic on side- names are Draco and Hermione)

"It's beautiful"


He rubbed the back of his neck and looked me in the eyes

"I was wondering if when we finish Hogwarts and once I find a staple career and everything would you promise to stay with me and spend the rest of your life with me?"

I stared at him

"Is this a promise ring?"

"The best I could find"

"Oh my god"

"So is that a yes?"


And cliffhanger. Do you think she will say yes? Leave it in the comments



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