Ryan watched me with worried eyes as I finished up cleaning by body and stepped out of the shower, grabbing a towel to wrap around my waist. I started for the door, intent on just getting away before groaning loudly and turning around to face him.

I didn't know what to say. I really don't want to have to bring him into my messed up life. Amazing as it sounds but I'm really starting to care about him more and more everyday and I just want to wait as long as possible before having to see the look of pity in his eyes. I went through the same thing with Tyler when he found out. And every time I let him know I was going home, he would try to make up some excuse to keep me at his house as much as possible while giving me 'the look' while his eyes watered from being scared of what was to come.

"Just tell me." Ryan whispered and I shook my head. I just can't tell him right now.

"Why? Why can't you tell me?! Tyler knows!" I rolled my eyes a little at his sudden anger towards me.

"Of course, Tyler knows! We have been together for years! You have only been with us for a few days." I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to calm myself down a little.

"Fine! If I'm not important enough to be an equal part in this relationship, then maybe I shouldn't be in it at all!" Ryan's eyes widened at the end, surprising even him.

"You don't want to be with us." I said in a calm voice, narrowing my eyes at the boy who was now standing in front of me in a towel.

He opened his mouth; a loud girl scream coming from the bedroom cuts him off. I turn my head in confusion to the door and hear a different high pitched scream that I'm sure was Tyler that time come a second later.

Ryan and I rushed for the door, simultaneously and shoved ourselves through to see Tyler sitting up on the bed, the blankets wrapped tightly around him and a look of horror on his face. I would have laughed if not for the fact that I'm sure Tyler would have punched me if I did.

"What happened?" Ryan rushed over and knelt down beside Tyler, putting a hand on his shoulder.

"You." Tyler growled at Ryan before turning and glaring at me. "You." He hissed once again.

I raised one eyebrow at him. "Yes, it is me." I smirked.

Tyler pointed a finger at me and I knew it was suppose to be one of his weird silent threats but I just couldn't help but to smile a little at him.

"You two left me in here while you..." He trailed off glancing back and forth between the two of us, his mouth dropping open a little and realization dawning. Oh, great, here we go...

Tyler stood up on the bed, letting the covers fall as he crossed his arms angrily. My eyes instantly looked him up and down and I had to stop a moan from emerging. I really need to quit looking at these two boys. All thoughts leave my head when I do.

"Stop looking at me!" Tyler yelled and I forced my eyes up. "So. You're telling me that the two of you went to go have some nasty freaky shower together, leaving me here...ALONE!" Ryan attempted to say something and closed his mouth quickly from the slap that Tyler delivered to his head.

"I'M TALKING!" He yelled. "Like I said, while you two were getting down in the shower without me, I was in here having a nice dream, only to be scared out of my mind by some freaking woman on crack screaming her head off!" He stopped and sucked in a breath before turning his gaze onto Ryan. "You should go and make sure your mom hasn't been scarred for life, seeing as the two of you didn't even bother to cover me up before you left!"

I laughed before I could stop it, laughing more and more as the image started rolling around in my mind. It didn't help that Tyler pouted and Ryan looked a little grossed out and a lot scared of having to go check on his mom.

Three's a Crowd...or is it? (BoyxBoy)Where stories live. Discover now