Chapter 6

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Astrid's P.O.V

I walked into my homeroom and sat down at the front where no seats were taken. I leaned back in my seat, until I heard someone sit next to me. She had a cheerleader uniform, staring at me with a fake smile. "Hey new  girl. My name is Isabella, you can call me Isa." I already knew what she was going to say.

"Hello. My name is Astrid, you can call me Astrid."I said with no emotions showing on my face."I noticed you walked in with the new kid. Elliot is his name. He is pretty hot, you don't like him or anything right?" she asked already knowing the answer, just trying to anger me."Actually, I love him. So back off. Don't talk to me you-" I was cut off by the bell. I picked up my bag and left to chemistry. I was looking for Elliot, I saw him sitting with a girl. I stomped over to him, and tapped his shoulder.

"Baby, who is this?" I asked. He smirked knowing I was jealous.Why dis he have to be so sexy?"Hey, sweetheart. This is Erica. She just sat next to me and we started talking." he pointed toward the girl who gave me a genuine smile."Hi, I'm Erica. I am a part of the welcoming committee. I wanted to talk to you two but you weren't here so I talked to him. Oh and don't worry about me stealing your boyfriend. First of all I am not as pretty as you," she said making me blush a crimson red." Second of all I am lesbian. I'd rather have you than him." she said laughing. I like this girl already.

"I'm Astrid. Want to be my partner? I am sure Elliot wont mind partnering with someone else from this class." I asked. She nodded her head. I need to find Elliot a partner." Who wants to be partners with this guy?" I announced to the room holding up Elliot's hand. All the girls in the class raised their hands."Anybody male?" I asked again. Only one boy raised his hand, he looked like a nerd. He had no partner. I waved him over, Elliot smiled at him. He has such a big heart.

"Hi, I'm Astrid and this is my boyfriend Elliot. You guys will be partners." I said. He looked kind of nervous, I could hear his heart beating really fast. "My name is John. Nice to meet you both." I waved goodbye. And made my way to the back where Erica was sitting. We talked and laughed and I saw Elliot having fun with John. i think we made new friends already.

 Gym Time

Turns out that Erica, John, Elliot, and I have all our classes together. Our schedule is:

Homeroom: 8:00 to 8:20

Chemistry: 8:25 to 9:10

History/Social Studies: 9:15 to 10:00

Writing: 10:05 to 10:50

Reading: 10:55 to 11:40

Gym/Art: 11:45 to 12:30

Lunch: 12:35 to 1:20

Algebra: 1:25 to 2:10

Free Period: 2:15 to 3:00

Today we have gym so I  am currently in the locker room changing into matching light pink sports bra and short tights. Gym is my favorite class next to art. I is really fun and I love working out. When I was leaving the locker room, I was pushed into a locker quite hard. I turned around really fast and saw Isabella. I swung my was and connected it with her cheek. That will leave a bruise.

When I was in the actual gym I saw Elliot and wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him. He wrapped his arms around me and moaned. We were interrupted by a whistle. "This is a gym. Please respect it." the coach said. We jumped apart but still held hands. All the guys were looking at my body which made Elliot feel uncomfortable. I squeezed his hand lightly and he instantly relaxed. I smiled and kissed his arm. I felt goosebumps rise under my lips. I giggled slightly causing him to vibrate in laughter. All the girls were looking at my visible tattoos(all) which includes Elliot's name.

"Hello students. Today we are going to practice fighting. There is a team that any of you can try out in. I am going to need a volunteer." no one raised there hand so I did. Everyone started yelling "New girl is going to get her ass whooped!" I laughed, they thought a human could beat me."I'll go easy on you sweet pea." he said. I laughed "No, sir. Try as hard as you can." he rolled his eyes and said go.

I had him on the floor in less than five seconds. I punched him in the face, he somehow found a way out from under me and stood up. I stood up just as quickly. I kicked the side of his head, when he didn't fall I went to the ground and swept his feet out from under him. He wouldn't give up so I got him on his stomach. I pressed the pressure point on the back of his neck. He stopped and I knew he blacked out. He would wake up in a few seconds. Once he awoke I said " I win." Everybody cheered with looks of fright, surprise, and envy. I did a little bow and ran up to Elliot. He carried me into the locker room where we had a really heated make out session. Now off to lunch.

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