Chapter 12

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Astrid's P.O.V

 "Astrid! Oh, my love, come here! Baby I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you so much, babe. Joe, you look gorgeous."

"Thanks babe. You look mighty fine too." Jolene said pulling me into a hug. This is Jolene, one of my closest friends. She happens to be lesbian but I am completely okay with it. Her nickname is Joe which I have gotten in trouble for so many times. I was on the phone with her and I said "Bye. Love you Joe." Elliot walked in and demanded to know who that was. It was hilarious, he blushed when he found out.

Thinking of this reminded me to introduce Jolene to Erica. Hopefully they are mates. I left Elliot with Jolene so I could get Erica. While I was searching for her I saw a commotion going on in the corner of my eye.

Being cornered by Samantha and Isabella was Erica. I could feel the blood start to pound in my veins as I walk over to them. As I walk people cower in fear because when I get angry my eyes go blood red. I grab them by the back of their necks and sink my claws into their skin. They have been getting on my nerves and I can't deal with it anymore.

They shriek in pain. and claw at my hands but it is no use. I'm positive they mind linked their alpha because in no time he came up to us with anger in his eyes. When he saw my eyes he froze completely. He snapped out of it after a while.

"You are not to treat my pack members like that. I will kick you off of our land." he spat which brought a smirk to my face. He looked so confused.

"If you me off of your land you're going to die. You need us or else the rouges will kill you. And these mutts need to be taught a lesson and I think I know what I should do." I chuckled. I was about to snap their necks when my wolf told me not to. It wasn't the solution so i pushed them to the ground. They looked up at me disbelievingly.

"You guys will be training with me for the rest of the month." I said and walked away.

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