Back Better Than Ever

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Astrid's P.O.V


I know you're probably thinking, what kind of sister says that to their sibling. That is how I usually am awoken. You see, the pack I am currently in, Blue blood Pack, hates me. The reason being that I am not like them. I'm fat, and have little to none fighting abilities. I was pulled out of my thoughts by my door slamming against the wall. My eyes snapped up to see my sister looking furious at my door way. She walked up to me and slapped me straight across the face. I felt the tears threatening to spill at the pain.

"You are late. We need to eat breakfast by an hour. Get up and get to work." she said with disgust as she looked me up and down. She left the room leaving me alone to get ready. I made my way to the bathroom. I turned on the hot water to take a relaxing shower. As the water heated up I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I'm not bad looking, I have natural fiery red hair that reaches my waist. I have bright blue eyes like a pool of water. My lips are full with a tint of pink, my eyebrows are naturally arched. My skin is slightly tanned. I put my hand in the water, perfect. I stepped in the shower and cleaned my bruised body.

I stepped out of the bathroom and put on matching bra and panties. I pulled on black sweatpants and an Obey Hood. Making my way downstairs into the kitchen, I smell the most wonderful scent. It was peppermint mixed with white chocolate. I brushed it off thinking it was just a kid playing with chocolate. I went into the kitchen to prepare the food. I made the pancakes and bacon in less than ten minutes. Soon the pack came downstairs, they threw insults at me as I left. I saw the soon to be Alpha, Chase, I remembered that today was the day he would find his mate. He is my worst torturer. We locked eyes and my wolf howled in delight. 'Mate'. She purred, I felt a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. I was finally happy, I spoke too soon.

He glared at me and instantly my smile dropped. "Go upstairs fatty, I don't want you in my presence while I eat." I felt my heart break at his words. Everybody in the room cackled loudly. I nodded my head and bowed showing respect for my Alpha even though I wanted to tear his limbs off. "Yes, Alpha Chase." Before I left though he whispered in my ear " I Chase Ryder reject you, Astrid Rose Howell as my mate." I ran up the stairs and cried until I heard the front door shut signaling that the others went to school. I had to leave this horrid place. I have wanted to leave for a long time but something told me to stay. Now there is nothing to hold be back. I packed everything I owned in a bag. I decided to write a letter to say goodbye.

Dear members of the Blue blood Pack,

I decided I wanted to leave this pack. I actually decided this a while back. I am tired of your abusive ways. You all hurt me on a regular day basis, I have the marks to prove it too. You guys probably wont mind that I am running away. Probably makes you happy to have the worthless, ugly, and stupid girl out of the pack. Oh and 'Mate', I Astrid Rose Howell accept your rejection Chase Ryder. I will be back though. Back and better than ever,

From the one and only,

Astrid Rose Howell xoxo

I left the letter on the kitchen counter because I knew that is where they first go when they come home after school. I left the house with my bag I ran into the forest and stripped of my clothes, putting them in my bag. I shifted into my fiery red wolf, and took my bag in between my teeth and started running.


Playing Chase Ryder - Alex Pettyfer. You can imagine them as anyone you want but that is who is in my head. I will be updating at least twice a day.

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