Karma's a Bitch.

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I rolled over and turned off the alarm. It showed in big red numbers 10:30.

I sighed and got out of bed, Heading towards the bathroom. I took a shower and put on Skinny jeans with my purple and black plaid shirt. I slid on my flipflops and grabbed my phone, heading down stairs. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bowl with the box of lucky charms.

'Remeber what I said.' I heard some one say from behind me. I swiftly turned around to see Justin. Ugh.. He just smirked and walked up stairs. Probably to the game room. I sighed and turned around.

Suddenly I thought of the greatest plan ever to get revenge on Justin. Tell Selena. I smirked as I poured the cereal and milk into the bowl. I sat down and started to eat. I got out my phone and started to text Selena. 'Hey Selena! I was wondering if we could hang out today?' I smirked as I hit the 'send' button. I don't even remember getting her number.. I just shrugged and took another bite of my cereal. My phone started to ring. A text from Selena. 'Sure! When and where?' I instantly sent a text back. 'How about 12:00 and at the fro-yo shop?'

I finished my cereal and put the bowl away. I went into the living room and plopped down on the couch. my phone started to go off. 'Sounds good to me!' Selena texted back. I smirked as I read the text. My plan was officially in action. Now I just have to wait till 12..

I turned the TV on and turned the channel to Spongebob.

I looked at the clock. It was 11:36. Woah. Time flies when your watching sponge bob.

I turned the tv off and walked out the door, towards my car. I jumped in the drivers seat and turned the car on. I backed out of the drive way and headed towards the fro-yo shop. I turned on the radio and Chris Brown's and Justin's Ladies Love me came on. 

'UGH! Really?!' I shouted at the radio as I turned it off. 

I sighed and kept driving. 

After a couple minutes I finally made it to the fro-yo shop. I got out and walked inside to see Selena sitting at a table. 

I smirked to myself and walked up to her, sitting down. 

'Hey!' She said smiling.

'Heyo.' I said with a nod. 

'So. How have you been?' She said while looking down at her phone. 

'Uh. I've been better. I guess.' I said while looking out the window, seeing paparazzi taking pictures

'Oh Okay.' She said while still staring at her phone

'Oh well.. DoYouKnowMeAndJustinKissed?' I said in a rush.

'Uh what?' she said with a confused look. 

'I said..  Your boyfriend. Kissed. Me. Yesterday.' I said slowly. 

Her jaw dropped. I smirked and walked out towards my car. 

Paparazzi kept taking pictures of me. I just shrugged them off and got into my car, driving off. 

I got home and walked inside to see Justin angry. I laughed slightly and walked up stairs. 

But. Someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back to see Justin. 

'You told didn't you?' He said sternly. 

'Yeah. I did. That's what you get for being such a dick.' I said while yanking my arm away. 

I went to my room and didn't look back..


Sorry It took so long! I hope to get the other one up sooner..

Usher's adopted daughter..Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt