The Jerk Face.

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I groaned as I heard alarm clock ringing. Ugh. Can't I sleep longer? 

I stood up, walking towards the bathroom. 

After I took a shower I put on some Jean Shorts, a purple tank top and some black flats. I pulled my hair up in a sloppy bun and grabbed my phone, running down stairs. 

I didn't see anyone down stairs. I guess my dad was already at the studio and Lily was on break. I shrugged and ran out the door to my limo. 

After about 20 minutes I finally made it there. My phone beeped. It was a text from Taylor. 

'I can't wait. (;' 

I sent him one back. 

'Yeah. Neither can I. Well. I'm at the studio. talk later.'

I turned my phone off and went inside to see Justin, Dad and a few other people I didn't know. 

No one noticed me. I coughed and they all looked up. 

'Hai.' I said with a wave.

'Hey' Justin said with that Million dollar smile. 

'So.. Wanna get this over with?' I said while Looking at Justin. 

'Sure' He said while standing up from the stool. 

After recording, Over Board and a few of my personal songs. We finally got to go home. It was about 6:15. Just enough time to get to the beach for my date. 

I decided to walk to the beach. It was only a few blocks away. 

I made it and saw Taylor looking down at his phone. I walked up to him and poked him.

'Hai.' I said with a wide smile. He changed. alot.  He had blonde hair it was kinda..long for a boy. 

He looked up and smiled. 'Hope. I have missed you.' He said as he hugged me. 

'I have missed you to.' I said as I hugged him back. 

'So. How is the fame life going?' He said while looking at his phone. 

'Pretty good.'' I said with a smile. 

He kept staring at his phone, typing something. I sighed. 

'I'm going to go get snow cones. You stay right here. Okay?' He said while putting his phone in his pocket. 

'Uh. Okay.' I said with a confused look. 

I watched him walk away. I sat down and drew hearts and smileys in the sand. It was about 15 minutes later. I started to get worried. So. I stood up walking the way he walked. I went to the snow cone stand and  looked around. Still no Taylor. 

'Uh. Have you seen a guy with blonde hair kinda longish. He's Tall and Dark blue eyes. Was he here a few minutes ago?' I asked the guy working at the stand. 

'Yeah. He got 3 snow cones and walked away with some brown head chick..' He said while looking towards me. 

'Oh.. Well can I get a snow cone?' I said with a cracky voice. He just nodded and made it. He gave it to me and I walked away, going home. 

Just then I saw Taylor, Making out with the girl the snow cone worker was talking about. I smirked and walked up to him smashing my snow cone on his head. 

'Enjoy it, Jerk Face.' I said with a smirk. 

He stopped sucking faces with that slut and looked at me. 

'What the Hell?!' He said while I was walking away. 

after 30 minutes I finally made it home. 

I walked inside to see Justin, Chaz, Ryan and Chris all playing the X-box. I laughed slightly and looked at them. 

'Heyo.' I said with a fake smile. 

'Hey' They all said while staring at the T.V. 

I sighed and went to my room, Turning on my Stereo. It was Love me By Justin.. I turned it up and started to sing along. 

 My friends say I'm a fool

To think that you're the one for me

I guess I'm just a sucker for love

Cuz honestly the truth is

That you know I'm never leavin

Cuz you're my angel sent from above

Baby you can do no wrong

My money is yours

Give you little more because I love ya, love ya

With me, girl, is where you belong

Just stay right here

I promise my dear but nothin above ya, above ya

Love me, love me

Say that you love me

Fool me, fool me

Oh how you do me..

Next thing I know Justin Is standing at my door way, Smiling. 

I stopped singing and turned off the song, Looking towards him. 

'What do you want?' I snapped at him. 

'Woah. Calm down. I just wanted to ask why your home early?' He said while sitting beside me. 

'I just wanted to come home early.' I said with a fake smile while looking down. 

He lifted my chin and looked in my eyes. 'Don't Lie..' He said while leaning in towards me. I leaned in with him.. 

---Oh My Gosh. I'm so sorry! I have been SUPER Busy. I have to move like every month because of my dad and his job. D: I'll upload another chappie right now. (: 

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