Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ashley's POV


Victoria and Izzy were very nice. I can't believe how sweet they are. I thought that they would've been at least a tiny bit bitter. I mean, c'mon they just started a whole new life, some people are bitter when they meet new people. As time goes on, they get more comfortable with those people. Well, anyway the unexpected happened. Although, it could be the fact that they met the Crystal side of me...

The concert itself was wonderful. I have to say, they boys are very talented, especially in concert. They were so goofy, weird, and themselves on stage.

The funniest part of the night was with Louis.




"So, do you like it back here?" Louis asked me.

"Well, you guys are funny and stuff, but remember, I have performed. I have been backstage before." I used a bit of an Italian accent, as precaution. Talking to Louis is a bit uncomfortable, especially when he doesn't know it's his twin sister he is talking to.

"Oh, right," The smile dropped off of his face. "Well, I do have to say myself, you're an amazing singer. Also, you're very beautiful." He smirked and looked like he genuinely meant it. That is the scary part.

"Um, Lou, did you already seem to forget that I have a boyfriend? Him also being one of your best mates?" I questioned. Gosh, why must their be such awkwardness and uncomfortableness?

"No, I remember, but I don't care. You are too beautiful for me to care about that. Say, how about we go out to dinner some time?" Ew, my brother asked me out. WHY ME??

"No thanks Lou. I'm just gonna go freshen up a bit in the bathroom. See you later!" I hollered as a quickly walked away.

WHAT THE HECK? WHO ASKS THEIR SISTER OUT ON A DATE?? Oh wait, he doesn't know it's me...

I went to Zayn's dressing room and told him all about my encounter with Louis. Instead of getting mad, like most guys, he laughed. Well, I did too. Who wouldn't. Oh gosh, this will be a story to tell my children and grandchildren.


Flashback over


It's now 11:08 pm. I'm sitting in Zayn and I's hotel room. We were laughing at some tweets from the fans from tonght's concert.

"Hey Zayn," I said.

"Hey Ash," he replied.

"Don't do that weirdo. I was gonna suggest something, but I guess not." I stuck my tongue out at him. Then I may or may not have thrown the fluffiest pillow in the world at him resulting in him on his butt on the floor due to him falling of the couch.

"Are you done throwing pillows at me?" He asked.

"Hmmm, no!" I threw another one at him. This time he caught it and threw it back. I fell on my butt off the couch. We looked at each other, then we burst out laughing. Wow, nothing has changed. Over the past two years, this is how it's been. The only difference now being that we are in a relationship.

"Alright, I was gonna suggest doing a twitcam, but if you don't wanna listen to me..." I trailed off. His eyes lit up at that. Yes, I hit his weakness. Zayn loves doing twitcams for the fans. Especially when he has someone to do them with. Also, I still looked like Crystal, so I don't have to worry about my true identity.

"Ash, YOU'RE BRILLIANT!!" Zayn yelled. I laughed as he rushed back to the bed to grab his laptop. He came running back in with in and hopped over the back of the couch landing right next to me.

He pecked my cheek. Gah, my cheeks are warm. Why do you have this effect on me? I took the laptop from his grasp and placed it on the coffee table in front of us. I turned it on and apparently he has it locked.

Password, password, password. What could it be? Vas happenin'? One fifth? No, those are both stupid. hmmm, let me try this...

I typed in Ashley Marie. Wow, it unlocked. I turned to face Zayn, this time he was blushing.

"That is adorable and such a good password. None of the boys would get it. Only you and I now," I winked at him and continued my ways with the computer. As soon as his twitter page loaded, I tweeted the link.


Hey all you amaZayn fans! I'm doing a twitcam with a very close friend of mine! Come check it out and find out who she is!  (not a real link)

As soon as I tweeted it, the link was blowing up like crazy. Already there were over 11,000 viewers. How that happened so fast? I have no clue, but I can't wait to do this thing.

Zayn reached over to the laptop and pressed to livestream button.

You will be broad casted in...





A/N Soo, I finally was able to charge my laptop!!! Holla! i still haven't heard fromX-Fafctor and I left a bit of a cliffhanger! Please tell me what you think! I need some creative criticism people!!







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