Chapter 8

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Hey!!! So I got bored and I can't fall asleep, so I'm writing at 11:39pm.... ahahaha lolz

And huge thanks to those of you reading my story! I pretty much know who all my readers are *cough* my friends *cough*.... ahahaha but I now have a total of 257 reads on this story and that is amaZayn. I'm so happy. I hope someday my story will make it higher up on the recommended fanfictions list under discovery!

Well anyway....

Here's Chapter 8


Chapter 8


Ashley's  POV

I awoke in the morning to the soft glow of the sun's golden rays through the window. I groan as the natural light is very bright. I sit up and realize that Zayn is still asleep in the other bed. What's the next step in this whole 'getting a future and becoming what I love most' process?

I can't bear to actually think this early. I glance at the clock on the bed-side table. 9:48am. Okay, so we didn't sleep in too long.

I yawned and as I was doing so, my stomach growled. Stupid stomach. I get up from the soft, warmth of the bed and walk to Zayn's bed. How do I wake him up? I heard that he was the hardest of them all to wake up. What to do? Oh! I know what to do! I saw this on some videos on you tube!

I race back to my bed and pull out my guitar case, unlatching the locks, and pulling out my trusty guitar. Hee hee! You probably guessed it right... the wake up song!

I started to strum my guitar and sing with it,

"It's time to get up in the morning,

In the morning!

Got McDonalds breakfast for you,

just or any other brand,

We drove two miles to get it

So now you get up and eat it

Don't you be a selfish, lazy, Zaynie boy,

It's time to get up!"

I stopped playing my guitar and set it down on the ground. I jumped up onto Zayn's bed.

"So we gotta get up!

You gotta get up!

Wake up!"

By this line, Zayn is groaning and turning over to face me. He reached our and grasped my ankles. I gasped.

"Zayn don't do-" I tried to say something, but he stopped me and flipped me. Due to the fact that I was standing on his bed, that didn't work out very well. I may or may not have landed on top of him causing him to grunt. I laughed. "I tried to tell you not to, but you didn't wanna listen!" He was writhing in pain, but even I could tell he wasn't THAT hurt. He was overreacting, and it was funny. He pushed me off the bed and I landed with a thud. I muttered an 'ow'  under my breath.

"If you're gonna be somebody's heart break

If you're gonna be somebody's mistake

If you're gonna be somebody's first time

Somebody's last time,

Baby be mine"

Hunter Hayes sang out. I whipped my head around looking for the source of the sound. I absolutely love Hunter Hayes. He may be a country singer, but he is H-O-T! Also, he isn't much older than me! He will be twenty-two on September ninth and I will be twenty-two on December twenty-fourth. Anyways, I can't find where the sound of his angelic voice is coming from. A wave of disappointment rushed through me faster than a triathlon runner.

Zayn is sitting up in the bed now. He notices my expression and chuckles. He picks up his phone and waves it in my face. AS he does this, I burst out laughing. He know wears a look of confusion.

"Your ring tone," I laughed, "is Hunter Hayes' Soembody's Heartbreak?" Ahahaha, I'm hysterically dying of laughter. Zayn gives me a sheepish smile. Then sticks his tongue out at me and answers the phone.

"Hey babe!" Babe? Does Zayn have a girlfriend? I did not know that... *Que awkwardness*. "I'm at a hotel down the street from Lou's. Why?" Zayn looks at me generally confused. "What do you mean 'you're at Louis'?" There is a bit of silence before he continues on. "Well Perrie, I don't know if anyone told you, but Louis has a twin." Pause. "Well, we didn't know either. We found out last night. I found her sitting at a bus stop a few streets away from his house." Pause, again. "Yeah I said 'her' as in she's a girl." Pause. "No! We didn't do anything! Do you really not trust me?" Zayn seemed to be losing his patience. I sat there and listened to half the conversation. I didn't know what to do. DO I sit here? Do I get up and give him privacy? Yeah that's what I'll do.

I go to get up, but Zayn stops me. He has his hand holding onto my wrist. His thumb is softly rubbing circles on the back of my hand. I look up to his dark chocolate eyes. There is a pleading look in them asking me to stay. I nod and sit back down, but this time on the bed instead of the floor. Zaynie smiles and I reflect one back. "Look Perrie, why don't we meet up at the Starbucks down the street from Louis'? It is literally a five minute walk from his house." Pause...... ughhh. Get off the phone already! I'm bored... "Okay, I will see you in a few. Bye." He sighs and hangs up the phone.

"Gosh, she annoys me sooo much!" He exclaimed. I laughed a little.

"Then why are you still with her?" My curiosity got the best of me. Crap. I shouldn't have aksed that. That was rude. "Look Zayn, I didn't mean it that way. I ju-"

"Ash, it's okay," He chuckled. "I honestly don't know why still. We haven't been the same in a few months. Ever since we have both started our tours..." He trailed off. Both of them started tour? Oh yeah! His girlfriend is Perrie Edwards form Little Mix! Brain fart moment. Ahaha. Anyway...

"So, why haven't you done anything? I don't mean to be rude at all with these questions, but realize that I have been shut out from reality for the past whatever years." He chuckled and I giggled. Seriously! Why do I keep giggling with him? Ugh. The effect he has on me.

Wait- what did I just think? "Oh, it's fine Ash. I honestly don't know why I haven't done anything." Zayn put on a concentrated face. It was gorgeous. No stop it brain! I face palmed to try to stop these thoughts. He gave me a weird look and I just smiled sheepishly. Oops. I'm an idiot.

"As I was saying.... I don't mind if you ask questions. It's totally fine and I need you to trust me with all that going on. Can't have you not trusting me can I? Then you wouldn't let me help." He smiled and I smiled back. This whole idea was way crazy, but it was worth it. I can't just live the rest of my life not knowing what the real world is like I need to get out and live while

I'm young, find my guy and tell him he's the one. I'm only 21, I have so much of my life still ahead of me.

I nod at Zayn confirming that I do trust him. His smile gets impossibly wider if that's possible. I have a good feeling through all of this.

We get up and Zayn offers a hand to help me. I take his hand and then he won't let go. Oh well, my hand fits perfectly in his, like it was made just for him.

We check out of the hotel and Zayn goes on his way to meet up with Perrie and I go for a stroll in town while everything is actually open. Zayn and I decided to meet up after he was done talking to Perrie. I can't wait till then, my hand is cold.

A/N so this goes out to a couple friends who have been bugging me to update all week..

Sierra and Victoria! ahaha I updated. Ur welcome! :)

Sorry if there are any spelling errors. I didn't spell check this time. Lols in the beginning of the chapter, I started it at 11:39 last night and just finished it today so don't be confuzzled creatures!!

Love you all! <3

Please keep voitng and leave comment pls?

Bye! I will probably updat later today too.

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