Chapter 12

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Ashley's POV

Zayn and I walked hand in hand down the hallways. He stopped in front o the door to go backstage. Honestly, I'm nervous. I haven't seen the boys in two years, ad they don't even know it's me. Oh god, what have I done.

"Are you ready to meet your biggest fans?" Zayn asked. He was so excited for Victoria and Izzy to meet me. He almost slipped up and told them. I nodded and he pushed open the door. His arm wrapped around my waist and I put my head down.

"Hey Zayn! Who's your friend here?" His accent. He sounded happy, and curious. It really hurt. Hopefully he doesn't recognize me, I'm not ready for him to know yet.

"Well Lou, this is my girlfriend." Pride and joy were audible in the way he spoke. I lifted up my head so I could greet them.

Gasps were heard all over from backstage. Louis stood two feet in front of me. His disheveled brown hair and bright blue eyes were the same. Niall stood by the snack table with chips dropping out of his mouth. Liam just smiled. And Harry had a playful glint in his eyes. Oh no..

"Harry, don't even try wasting your time on me. I see what you're thinking." I told him. His smile dropped. Liam and Zayn laughed. He asked, more like whined, why not. I pointed to Zayn. "This handsome dude is my boyfriend. So paws off!" I faked anger. Then I poked my tongue out at him.

Louis and Niall slowly started to relax. Niall's eyes were still as wide as saucers. Louis started to stutter.

"Oh. Gawd. It-it-it's actually y-y-you," I nodded and giggled at his nervousness.

"I could say the same, but I've grown used to being around Zayn and his weirdness, so I can't" I smirked.

Zayn gave me a false pout. "I thought we had something special!" He dramatically said. Then he ran to Niall who was slowly making his way over. "Ni, she doesn't feel the same way." He whined, obviously faking it. I giggled.

"But Zaynie! I do feel the same way!" We laughed and started to run towards each other. When we reached each other, he picked me up and spun us. I giggled and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Wow, look how happy they are! Wait- who is that?" Oh goodness. I felt my cheeks flush and Zayn put me down.

"Tor, Izz, this is my girlfriend Crystal." Zayn grinned like a cheshire cat. Lolz Harry's from Cheshire. I started to laugh. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy! Well, I might be, but I don't know.

"So-sorry, Zayn is grinning like a cheshire cat. Then I thought of Harry because he's from Cheshire." Now everyone was grinning like idiots at me. I mean come on, I'm not that funny! Or am I? No I really not....

"Are you okay Crystal?" The older girl asked. This must be Victoria. She has beautiful brown hair and brown eyes. She's fairly tall and seems protective over Izzy.

Elizabeth stood next to Tor, cowering behind her. That's right, she's only 7. She has darker hair than Tor, but it's still brown. Her eyes are more like Harry's, an emerald color.

"Oh my, you must be Victoria and Elizabeth! And yeah I'm fine don't worry about me! I've heard so much about you two! Has Zayn been a good big brother?"

The two girls smiled and nodded furiously. His was going to be an interesting concert...

A/N hey... So i updated... I'm on a bus to go on a school trip and i was bored... Tada!


Here you go Ris!!!! Lolz







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