"Guess who's heading this way right now," Louis said, causing me to turn around just in time to see him smirk at me.

Sure enough, to my displeasure, it was the one person in this school that I despised more than anyone else; and that was Harry Styles.

There wasn't really much I could say about the eighteen year old boy with too many tattoos to count because I didn't really care to know the little details. Nothing positive, at least. He was simply someone who thought that they were better than everyone else because he was hot and had a ridiculous amount of people worshipping the ground he walked on.

Harry was a year older than me, yet we had been in the same year at school our entire lives because his mother held him back. However, that didn't exactly stop him from acting like a child. In his case, age really didn't correlate to maturity levels. 

He was now leaning against his locker, a flock of people surrounding him and staring at him in awe as if they were looking at some sort of god.


I didn't exactly blame them for staring, Harry was good looking, even I had to admit that. His body was just as pleasing to look at. His long arms were muscly, as was pretty much everyone else and his legs were toned enough to make anyone envious, including me. His hair, glorious brown curls that seemed to be too perfect to be allowed, was pushed back by one of those stupid bandannas that he nearly always wore. 

Cursing myself, my eyes trailed down to his lips, which although were just as pleasing to look at as the rest of him, were curled in that stupid smirk that made me want to turn and forget his existence.

Next to him was his best friend Liam, who seemed more caught up with his phone than the large crowd of people standing near him. Though he was definitely not paying attention to the action going on around him, he did certainly fit into the whole 'popular boy' category, as people seemed just as interested in him as they were in Harry. 

One of the things that I liked about him and Harry's other two close friends Zayn and Perrie, they didn't worship their best friend in the way that everyone else except me did. They were different from Harry, in the sense that they weren't self-absorbed jerks. They all seemed nice enough, too nice to be around Harry, at least.

Louis and Leigh-Anne watched as I rolled my eyes and turned away from Harry. Considering Leigh-Anne seemed to understand my dislike for Harry, her expression almost mirrored mine. Louis however, had nothing against him, though I was confident he would hate every fibre of Harry's being if he was if he was constantly the target of Harry's stupid comments like I was.

Not only that but Louis was kind of forced to be on good terms with Harry because he was dating Liam. Yeah, my best friend really knew how to associate with the worst people. Okay, so I'll admit that Liam was incredibly sweet and treats Louis like royalty but I was just bitter that he had to be so close to Harry. 

"He isn't even that bad of a person, Niall. He's just really confident. I'm sure if you talk to him properly, you'll actually like him," Louis said, chuckling at my less than happy reaction to Harry's sudden presence.

"He may not be bad to you but to me, he's the biggest arse in this entire school. And it's kind of hard for me to not want to at least punch him," I replied, getting defensive.

"I'll never understand how you used to be his best friend and now you can't stand the sight of him," he said, shaking his head a little as he glanced between the two of us.

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