When we got home Kyoya helps me walk into the house, his arm wrapped around my waist helping to hold me up as I take wobbly steps. It was going to be hard walking around school tomorrow, I may just head to one of the health resorts father owns instead to work on walking alone. "I'll take you to the pool tomorrow." Kyoya mumbles as we walk, almost like he didn't want anyone in the house to hear what he was saying. We were almost to my room when Yuuichi walks down the hall. His eyes land on me then on Kyoya before he walks over and picks me up making me yelp in fear. Yuuichi hardly ever touches me so him picking me up scared me a little. "Yuuichi what are you doing?" Kyoya asks his eyes narrowed at our older brother who gives a small sigh. "Carrying my sister to her room. Her legs were about to give out you could feel it and see it." Yuuichi says as he walks the rest of the way to my room, Kyoya right behind him a scowl on his face. Kyoya and Yuuichi as well as Akito never really got along great, they tied not to fight in front of me but I knew they did sometimes. Yuuichi walks into my room and sets me down on my bed before gently moving my hair but he flinches a little when he sees my eye. I look away from him feeling pain because my own family couldn't look at me, who would want to be with me if my own family was afraid of what I looked like. "Yuuichi leave now." Kyoya says in a deadly tone making me stiffen a little but I relax when Kyoya takes my hand. Yuuichi glares at Kyoya but leaves the room slamming my bedroom door behind him making me jump and Kyoya tightens his hold on my hand. "It's ok Kiku he's just mad at me. But your home and safe." Kyoya says moving my hair out of my face and looking into my eyes. I was so relived that Kyoya doesn't flinch looking at me, that he accepts me for what I look like and who I am.

"Nii-chan thank you." I say before hugging him and he gives a small sigh as he hugs me back. He didn't say anything just holds me tighter making me give a relived sigh and I felt safe, loved. "Now for your surprise." Kyoya says as he pulls back from me and looks into my eyes. I know my big brother was just trying to make me feel better after being in the hospital and Yuuichi scaring me. I didn't say anything just watch as my big brother walks off to the side, I had a small sitting room just like his but I hardly ever use it. "Close your eyes." Kyoya says as he looks over at me and I do as he asks before waiting for him to come back. I could hear him moving around before he walks back into the room and my bed dips a little. "Open your eyes." Kyoya says and I do only to see him holding a book in his hands. I take it and look it over before giving him a wide smile. "I love it thank you." I say before throwing my arms around him knocking him over in the process but he just laughs a little. "I thought you would. Just remember the Brother's Grimm have darker fairy tales than the ones mom used to read us." Kyoya says as he sits us both up and I nod my head quickly. "Will you read one with me?" I ask and he gives a small sigh before gently kissing my cheek. "I can after you eat something. Doctor Ame said you hardly had anything to eat when you were in the hospital once you were woken up." Kyoya says a small frown forming on his face and I huff a little. "But it was gross and bland." I wine making my brother laugh at me before he leads me to the kitchen to get something to eat once my hair was over my eye.

Kyoya's pov.

I carried Kiku down to the kitchen after her getting half way there before her legs gave out on her. She wraps her arms around my neck holding tightly onto me with a small smile on her face. When we got to the kitchen I set Kiku down on the counter before looking over the food, I wasn't a great cook but I was going to make something for my sister to eat. "Nii-chan can't you just call and order pizza or something? We aren't very good cooks." Kiku says and she flinches a little her fingers tracing the lines on her wrist making me frown a little. That man had ruined my little sister's life and he was still ruining it. "Because father would get angry with us if we did. Don't worry Kiku I can handle making us something." I say not willing to be defeated in front of her. I would love to do nothing more than call to order our food but I really didn't want father to know about it. As I make us something to eat Kiku sings some song, she had a really great voice but she only sings for me. "You should sing in club, they would love it just as much as I do." I say as I look up at my sister who blushes darkly. "I like singing for you, no one else would want to hear me sing." Kiku mumbles a distant look entering her eyes and I drop what I was doing to catch her as her body starts to fall and seize up. I curse under my breath as she was pulled into the flashback.

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