29. Crashing into walls. Literally.

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You know how I said that there would be two more chapters to this book? Well, it may be a little more than that...not too many more though.


The hand that had my arm in a firm hold, loosened slightly as the strange squeezing sensation disappeared. It was unmistakably the feeling of dissaparating. My head spun and I swayed slightly as I tried to regaining my equilibrium. I looked around me in a panic. The room I was in was musty and dirty. A worn and uncomfortable looking couch was situated against a tapestry covered wall. Upon closer inspection, I saw that it was a huge family tree, though charred spots on some faces made me doubt it. Cobwebs and dust coated nearly every surface in an inch-thick layer. The colours were all either green, silver, grey or black. It gave me the creeps to be honest. A tug at my arm brought my attention back to my abductor. Spinning around, I came face to face with a rugged looking man with mousy brown hair that swept slightly into his tired-looking eyes. He seemed to be in his mid-forties but the bags under his eyes and exhausted pallid expression made him seem older. Snapping out of my judgement of the dude, I swung my arm around, twisting it around so the man had no choice but to let go of my arm. He took a second to regain his composure which gave me time to swipe his legs out from beneath him. He fell to the floor with more noise than I would have liked, even though a house like this would most likely be derelict, I still couldn't be sure. Trapping the man under my body, I whipped out my wand and placed it against his throat. The odd thing was, he wasn't struggling against me like a normal person would, but he just laid still in defeat. I mentally thanked Jaspers self-defense lessons. As grueling as they were, they certainly turned out to be surprisingly useful.

"Who are you and why did you take me?" I demanded, my platinum hair falling across my face slightly and my cheeks flaring with anger. What kind of creep snatches young girls in alleyways?! He man sighed.

"My name is Remus Lupin and I was charged with bringing you to the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix."

"What?" I asked, confused as all hell. Before he could answer, however, frantic footsteps of many people thundered outside the room, and the door was lung open. Another man with a mane of shaggy-brown hair ran into the room, followed by a great many people. Unfortunately for me, the man who came in was a lot stronger and more alert than my kidnapper, and I was dragged off and flung against a wall. Ouch.

My head took the brunt of the impact, but my back also hit the wall fairly hard. Tumbling to the floor, I clutched my wand to my chest. I didn't want to break it.

"Oh my goodness!" I heard a girl exclaim.

"Sirius! How could you do that to the poor girl?!" A woman's voice shouted at who I assumed was the man who threw me into the wall.

"She was about to hurt Remus!" The guy shouted in his defense.

"I would have too if he'd just abducted me!" Through my blurry vision I could make out a range of people all gathered around. Some stared at me-mainly two red-heads that looked identical- and others had their wands drawn, aimed at me. I groaned and winced as a fierce pulsing began behind my eyelids.

"Come on dear, I'll get you cleaned up. Put your wands away! She can barely see straight as it is." The woman hissed. Hands brought me up to a standing position and the person held me up straight as my body swayed with dizziness. It had been a while since I had last apparated, so I had to get re-used to the strange sensation. In our third year we were given an introduction on the basics of dissapparation, so I had only transported small distances and not very often. I was brought into a cleaner-looking and more homely part of the house. On the middle of the stone room, a large wooden table stretched across the majority of the space and at one end, a fire crackled merrily inside the hearth. The person-who I had now identified as a plump, kindly woman- led me to a chair at the table and gently sat me down. The others began to trail into the room behind us and I surveyed everyone who came in. First came in the man who had thrown me into the wall. His shoulder length brown shaggy hair, paired with his waxy features gave him a formidable and rather unsettling image. Next came in five people that I knew well from school. Ron, Harry, Hermione, George and Fred all entered the room, looking rather puzzled themselves. I guess they know about as much as I do. Behind them, Remus Lupin came in followed by a balding man with wispy orange hair decorating his sparse scalp. Obviously a Weasley.

A cup of tea was placed in front of me with a small jug of milk and plate of sugar cubes as well.

"Thankyou." I smiled warmly at the woman, but soon turned to the others, hoping to clear the confusion. By the way they've been treating me –apart from the wall incident- I was obviously not here to be harmed, tortured or raped, which made up the majority of my concerns.

"What is going on here?" I ask, thoroughly bewildered.

"Why don't we all sit and explain?" Balding guy says, everyone sits down immediately, wanting information.

Once we were all seated, me in the middle of one of the sides and everyone else sitting around me.

"We were under instructions from headmaster Dumbledore to retrieve you from your home in Forks, Washington." Remus Lupin stated, as if this should make all the sense in the world to me.

"Aaand why would he ask that?" I drew out the first word in frustration.

"Well, he heard about your little...upset at the ministry."

"You know about me being expelled?"

"WHAT?! YOU WERE EXPELLED?!" The two idiot twins exclaimed in sync. I just huffed and rolled my eyes.

"That means we'll be a chaser down on the team." Fred lamented.

"Boys! We have much more important matters to discuss than a blasted quidditch team!" Mr. Weasley reprimanded the twins.

"Sorry." They muttered together.

"Anyway, you'll need an escort to the trial since I doubt that you have been there before, much less know your way around."

"You're going to help me?" I asked, stunned.

"Why wouldn't we?" Lupin inquired.

"Well... my father being who he is and all..." I mumble.

"Why should it matter who your father is, dear?" I just shrugged at Mrs. Weasley.

"That's an interesting necklace you've got there." A dark voice came from the head of the table. I looked and saw Wall-thrower sitting there, eyeing my black-crystal jewel.

"Thanks, I got it from...my d-mum." I just barely saved myself from saying 'dad'. I honestly don't know why I was still wearing it, every time I would go to take it off, something stopped me and I eventually forgot about it being there. Since it hung below my neckline, people tended not to notice it, so I just left it.

"Hmm." The man merely hummed while still staring intently at the charm. He still seemed suspicious of me after the while threatening Lupin thing and the rather abrupt wall-throw. I cleared my throat and turned back to Lupin and Mr. Weasley.

"Why did you use magic in the first place?" Ron asked. I sighed, tired and not bothered to repeat the story.

"Yes, why did you?" Lupin backed up. Damn it, I'll have to explain.

So I sat there for half an hour, telling them about my vampire adoptees, the Volturi (Which excited Hermione immensely because she kept asking me questions based on a book she'd read on magical species.) and the amount of magic I had to perform because of it.

"So that clears the question up then." I let out a deep breath.

"Now, you must be tired after that huge explanation. Why don't you go with Hermione and the others and they'll show you where you'll be sleeping."

"Can't I go back to my family until the hearing?" I asked.

"No, we need to be able to keep you under our watch, to keep you safe." Lupin said.

"But my parents will be worried about me." I said, thinking sadly about how worried Esme must be at the moment.

"Sorry, but you have to remain here. Boys, Hermione, would you show Anna around?" The trio seemed to get the dismissal message because they all scrambled out of their seats beckoning me to follow them.

Why can I not just have a little peace?


Damn it sucked.

Can you please:



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