20. The high and the low

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So this chapter is a filler, next chapter comes the Cullen's (or I may have added an early Cullen scene🙊) , and boy have I got things to go down at their place! Btw I love you guys❤️❤️
We all know who that is up top😒

Pain radiated from my head out to all my extremities making it an excruciating experience to move any part of my body.  I could hear muffled talking around me, and cracked my eye open slightly, wincing at the brightness.

"Shit, that was one hard hit." I heard a British accented voice say and a similar one reply.
"Yep, that'll cause one hell of a headache."

Well if they were talking about me, they couldn't have made a better prediction. The whole of my skull felt as if two extra large sumo wrestlers were pushing as hard as they could on both sides of my head, the pressure just building up, waiting to burst.
"You bet your huge ginger asses it does." I grumbled, fairly certain it was Fred and George talking about my nasty incident.
"Ah! She's awake and still grumpy as ever!" Fred or George exclaimed,b I still couldn't tell their voices apart, my eyes still shut.
"Shut up you idiot." I mumbled. I peeled my eyes open, taking a minute to let them adjust. In front of me I saw the whole Gryffindor Quidditch team looking down at me anxiously.
"Don't look at me like that, I'm fine." I say, blushing at the awkward attention.
"How are you feeling? That was one aggressive swing, and though Crabbe has no brain, he has brawn." I knew that Angelina was referring to the powerful shot at my head with that bludger. A bloody stupid idea if you asked me.
"It hurts, but it'll go away in a few. Don't worry, but tell me, what happened in the game? Did we lose?" The others broke out smiling while Harry spoke up, satisfied smirks rested on his and many others lips.
"Well, after you had been taken care of, Gryffindor, Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff still wouldn't shut up. After screaming in the speaker for a while, Lee managed to gain the audiences attention to make an announcement. Madam Hooch decided that, because of the beyond dirty tactics the Slyrherins used and the bluffer to the head, they were disqualified!" I smiled wide, happy that I had not caused a loss for our team.
"Crabbe, Avery, Nott and Flint also got two weeks detention each with McGonagall." At the word 'detention' my heart raced in fear that someone had seen my scars during the whole Quidditch fall, but to my utter relief, I was a still wearing my Quidditch robes and arm pads which were untouched and strapped to my skin, covering most of my scars.
"Brilliant, I always liked Madam Hooch." Everyone chuckled but before anyone could continue speaking, a voice interrupted us.
"What is this?! We can't have this many people around a patient at once! Three at maximum! Out! Out all of you, you can come and see her later!" Madam Pomfrey shooed them all from the ward and they reluctantly went, wishing me to get better.
"Now, how are we feeling tonight? A little sore?" I nodded and winced slightly as she prodded the tender patch of skull where the ball must have made contact. "Well it should feel much better tomorrow morning, all you need to do now is rest up and I may discharge you early in the morning." The matron instructed, pulling a bottle from a shelf next to my bed.
"But I've got to pack for the holidays tomorrow." I sighed half-heartedly, knowing that I would never sway the strict nurse's decision.
"You'll stay in that bed until I say so, now open up, this should speed things along a little." She poured a pinky-red sparkly goop onto a silver spoon then held it in front of my mouth like I was a toddler to be fed.
"Can I do it myself?" I asked, feeling a little awkward being spoon-fed by an adult.
"No, now open up." I huffed but opened my mouth anyway. The freaky goop entered my mouth and the taste of strawberries filled my taste buds deliciously. When the spoon was retracted, I grinned and swallowed the potion, smiling to myself.
"Yummy." I even sounded like a toddler! What did she do to me?
"You've got some visitors to see you before you go to bed, shall I call them to you?" I nodded eagerly, already bored as bat poo in this bed.
"Annnnnnieeeeeee!" I heard a very feminine voice fill the chamber before Jace came skidding in front of me, behaving like more of a toddler than I was.
"Jacie!" I responded and saw Alex and Jez walk normally towards me, both wearing expressions of worry.
"How are you feeling?" Jezzy asks concernedly.
"I feel just fine, honestly, Madam Pomfrey gave me this sparkly pinky-red sloppy goopy stuff and it was greeeaaaatt." I smiled stupidly. What has gotten into me? As if by some miracle, the matron came back around the corner.
"If she starts acting a little out of the ordinary, it's the healing potion, it gives a bit of an extra zing for a better mood as well."
"Ahhh that explains it." Jace nodded and turned back to me grinning. "I was wondering why you looked so happy!"
"What are you talking about? I'm aaaaaalwayys happy." I dragged out my words, feeling giddy and excited for some reason.
"Woah happy Anna is a nice change." I smile at Alex as he says this.
"Yep, I'm awesome." I then broke down into a fit of giggles at my self proclamation. Jezzy looked at me funny before bursting in her own bout of laughter.
"Y-your laugh is s-s-so funny!" Jezzy lets out, still in the middle of cracking up. I pouted and crossed my arms in mock anger.
"My laughing is NOT funny! Stop being mean Jezzy!" I said in a baby voice, before letting my own laughter loose again, by now both of us were giggling messes. The boys just stood there and stared at us as we did our best to sound like a group of deranged monkeys who mistook a lemon tree for a banana tree. After a few minutes, Jez and I had finished our giggle-fest and were panting to catch our breath.
A light feeling filled my and I felt bouncy, truly happier than I had in a long while, it also felt great to be able to laugh with my friends again.
"So, what is happening in the holidays?" Jace asked, the mood turning a little more serious.
"I'm going home to the fam."
"Same." I said, still a little light headed from how much I laughed.
"I'm going home as well." Alex filled in and we all just sat there contemplating before Jez spoke up.
"We should do something in the holidays together!" Jezzy announced, and we all perked up at the idea.
"We totally should!" I chirped and the others all agreed.
That night we just sat on my bed, talking about all sorts of random thing and making each other laugh, quite a change to how the days had been.

Was going to stop here, but I'm like, why don't I speed things up and give you a little Cullens early? Will that make you peoples a little happier? Nothing to big but just a little more! Read on...

Alice's P.O.V

The house was in a quiet mood today, Nessie and Jake were cuddling up on the lounge watching TV while Edward and Bella sat the piano playing quietly to themselves. Rosalie and Emmet had gone out to hunt and Carlisle was at work leaving Esme to the food channel in the kitchen, trying out different recipes for the return of Anna for the Christmas break. The family was sad to see her go, especially Esme who had grown particularly attached to her, more so than anyone else. Then an all-familiar feeling came over me, and the world faded into black.


Caius, Marcus and Aro all sat in a bare stone chamber around a large rectangular oak table, each absorbed in their own various activities. Caius appeared to be browsing through some old documents while Marcus worked lazily into a sketch book, the half formed view of the Volterra city sprawled across his page in immense and intricate detail. Aro, however, just sat in his place, finger on chin, deeply immersed in a matter which had cropped up abruptly a few months ago.
It was an odd one, one which they had a similar case of twenty or so years ago, one which had a failed conclusion and Aro did not want to repeat that. To help put his mind at ease, he decided to ask the advice of his brothers, gain their opinion on the matter.
"My dear brothers, we must speak of a matter which has concerned me endlessly from the minute it was brought to our attention." The other two ancient vampires looked up from their works, eyebrows raised.
"You mean the Cullen affair?" Marcus asked mildly. His voice already carrying a hint of boredom, he had never been one for conflict and confrontations, but his opinion was both wise and always to be considered
"Precisely, what think you of this matter?" Marcus furrowed his brow, mulling the question over.
"I think it would do no harm to investigate a little, but we should harbour no violent thoughts prematurely for there must be a reason behind it." The other two nodded, agreeing with their learned brother.
"So think I, how about you dear Caius?" Aro asked.
"You know that I would have gotten rid of that coven long ago, had it not been for both your counsels against it." Aro sighed at his brother's attitude but left it alone, it would do no good to argue over it.
"Well, is it agreed? Shall we pay our little friends in London a visit?"
They both nodded and Aro smiled, he had always loved the amount if extraordinary talent within that family and having a reason to try and convince them to join again was not one he was going to refuse.

~~~ End Vision ~~~

My breath hitched and Edward is sitting ram-rod straight at the piano, no doubt reading my mind through the whole thing. Turning to me he frowns.
"We have to prepare."
The whole family was crowded into the living room as Edward and I explained what had occurred in the vision.
"So you're saying that the Volturi know we adopted Anna?" Emmet asked trying to get the story straight. Edward and I nodded.
"What should we do? Will they harm her?" Esme asked Carlise who had so far been quiet.
"I'm not sure, Esme. She said herself that she wasn't entirely human, but would that be enough to stop them?"
"It may but we can't be sure, I'd rather not take the risk." Jasper piped up and I turned to him quizzically, always, when it came to Anna, he would stand off to the side and keep his thoughts to himself.
"Many people in this house are all very emotionally attached to that young girl, she had secrets also, ones which I hope to unravel she also is in need of help, help which I suspect only a loving family can provide. If she dies, depression will swamp the family and an innocent life will be lost. I would wish anything but that on my family." Everyone nodded in agreement. We had to make sure Anna remained safe from the Volturi.

What do you think is the cause of all those nasty mood swings of Anna's? That are there for a reason you'll find our soon!

AHA! Got ya there didn't I? Bet you guys didn't think the Volturi were going to get involved! Just decided it'd be a fun little twist in the whole thing.

Well I think this was a good chapter so can you please be niceeee and:




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