18. The Quidditch trials part 2

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Found just enough time to write up a quick chapter. I hope you like it! This one is a tiny bit better than the last. Hopefully.

I dedicate this chapter to @doireannkav because she is awesome.

The mega-prick McLaggen up top!


Angelina blew her whistle again, signalling for us to start our drill. The first person in my group started with the Quaffle and flew swiftly towards Cormac, who was watching the incoming student with eyes narrowed in concentration. The kid raised his arm and pelted the large red Quaffle towards the ring at the right. It looked like a fairly good throw, until Cormac threw an impressive turn and caught the Quaffle just give centimetres from the targeted goal hoop.

It was my turn to narrow my eyes, I could see he would be a challenge to beat. It was now the other person in my team to shoot. This guy looked only slightly taller than me and his grip on his broom was delicate yet he had a firm grace to his flying style which told me that he was quite an experienced flyer. The kid had now lined up for his shot but his aiming was so predictable that I knew he had no chance of getting it in, and once again, I was right. McLaggen flew straight towards the direction the kid was aiming and caught the Quaffle with no trouble. The small kid on the broom turned around and flew down to the grass, storming off angry and red-faced. Really kid? You weren't even that good!

Ok, now I'm just sounding like a self-conceited bitch.

Angelina threw me the Quaffle and I stared Cormac in the eye and, being the self-assured player he was, he winked at me pouting his lips in what I guessed was supposed to resemble a sexy "smoulder" when he really only looked like a drowning fish.

Is it even possible for a fish to drown? No? Well let's pretend, for the sake of my lame sense of humour, that it is possible.

I just sat there for a split second and planned what I was going to do. Making up my mind, I surged forward, going and taking aim clearly for the right hoop, Cormac, being the fool he is, dived immediately over to the right just as I abruptly switched direction and pelted the Quaffle through the middle hoop.

I smiled in victory and looked over to Cormac who now looked more like a constipated toddler who has lost some candy. I threw him a sweet smile, at which his cheeks promptly turned red.

Guess losing to a girl was a bit of a wound to his manly pride. Oh well... someone had to show him.

I turned my head over to the clapping stand and saw Jezzy and Jace smiling and clapping for me. Happiness surged through me at the support of my close friends but my smile fell as I spotted Liana and Alex tangled together next to Jace sucking each other's faces off. The she-witch's skirt was hiked up to a highly indiscreet length and her shirt was literally a second skin. A surge of jealousy tore through me but I suppressed it, it wasn't as if I was his girlfriend.

But you wouldn't mind it if you were.

My annoying subconscious told me, and as always, I had to agree. The main thing that I felt was anger that such a horrible girl got her claws into someone as nice as Alex. Not able to stand the sight of the writhing couple I tore my eyes away from the grotesque display and flew down to the ground where the next group were preparing to go. Angelina came up to me smiling.

"That was a good manoeuvre Thomas. It's hard to get past McLaggen. Congrats." She said and patted me on the back before returning to her position in the air to judge the next group. I walked over to the change room and removed my fairly clean quidditch gear and replaced them with my school uniform. Walking out, I see the a wannabe keeper being tested get hit in the face with the Quaffle. I snorted with laughter but reprimanded myself that it wasn't nice to laugh at other people's misfortunes. Hearing someone come up behind me, I spun around.

"That was a nice goal Annie." I rolled my eyes at the stupid nickname Jace insisted on giving me.

"Thanks Jacie." I say and he chuckles at my equally stupid name and throws his arm casually around my shoulder.

"Where's Jez?" I ask as Jace who throws my sport bag over his shoulder and leads me back towards the castle, since we were instructed to leave after we had been trialled.

"She had to leave and see McGonagall about some assignment and who knows where Alex is."

Humph. I know exactly where he is.

"Well it's nearly dinner time so I'll head back to my room and get cleaned up." I said and Jace gave me a curious look at my abrupt comment before retracting the arm around my shoulders.

"See you soon." I nodded and smiled at him before going the separate way towards my dorm.

~~~~~ That Night ~~~~

"Ah, my dear daughter, we meet again."

My surroundings clear and I find myself in the same dark and musty room as before. My father stood in the centre of the room, the very definition of evil. His face is still the same repulsive reptilian nature.

"Today I have brought you here for another reason and I am sure you, being the curious little thing you are, are just dying to know why. Well, as you already know that you will be joining me, I won't repeat that particular lecture again, but I have something to give to you. Something that will help you." Why would he of all people be interested in helping someone? I gazed warily as he drew a small black box from what I assumed to be a hidden pocket in his robes. The box was lined with black velvet and the colour contrasted greatly with the stark white complexion of his hand.

"What is it?" Even though I possessed not one shred of trust for him, I still had a small amount of curiosity left in me.

"Open it." The box levitated towards me and I slowly reached out and took it. Slowly and with slightly trembling hands, I opened the lid. Inside was a small necklace. A black pointed crystal held on to a delicate sterling chain by a silver fastener. I felt rather than saw the darkness within the stone's depth. Something about it, however dangerous I knew it was, drew me in and I found myself placing it around my neck, contrary to the blasting of warning bells in my mind going off at that moment. But when the clip had attached itself together and the necklace was on, I felt a change in me. Like a switch being flicked.

And from that moment on, I knew I would never be the same.


Very important part right there.

Thankyou to all you amazing readers!! I hope you liked this update

So don't forget to:



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