27. The void, the confusion and the letter

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Haha been a while, ENJOY!!!!

Probably heaps of mistakes, oh well...


Carlisle's P.O.V

The slow and steady thrum of Anna's heart had me perplexed. It should have stopped.

"What's going on?" Alice asked, peering at Anna.

"I don't know..." I answered, still running over the possibilities in my mind.

Anna's chest rose and fell lazily, every indicator told me she was still human, but at the same time, all the evidence was against it.

"You mean she's not a bloodsucker?" Jacob asked, disbelief with a tinge of hope spread across the wolves' faces.

"It appears not, but it's too early to tell." I mumbled. Her blood still ran through her body, but the thermometer showed me her core temperature had dropped about five degrees. Odd.

"Why isn't she waking up then?" It was Leah who asked this and many looked at her in surprise. She was a notoriously moody she-wolf and did not take to people easily, but Anna seems to be cementing a place into everyone's hearts.

"I don't know." I said again. I was growing agitated at my seeming lack of knowledge and also slightly fearful of my daughter's life. Esme had sat for the past six hours beside Anna's bed, holding her hand and gazing at her daughters face. The ruby liquid that had coated her face had been carefully cleaned off and she resembled herself a little more now. The paleness of her complexion had only just gained a fraction of colour, but nowhere near as much as normal. Her face did seem more refined, but she was already inhumanly beautiful before all this, so it probably didn't mean anything.


Anna's P.O.V

F*ck. That hurt like a f*cking bitch. I would ask you to pardon my French at the moment, but I think swearing after what I've been through it's justified.

I found that I could now breathe easier, the fire had calmed down to a slight simmer, like a nettle sting, except spread over all my body. It feels much better than the fury-filled inferno that had cradled my body into infinity an hour ago.


Edward's P.O.V

...I wonder when she'll wake up...

Who was that dude?

She should be awake by now...I wonder what her blood iron percentage is...

What is she?

How did she do that to the Volturi...

...Demon maybe...nah she's too sweet...

These were the sort of thoughts that flew around the room at the moment. All of them were either a question of contained one. The problem was is that we knew practically nothing about her. She knew all our secrets and we knew none of hers. We are a family; families trust each other. I think it was time she told us what she was hiding. Obviously something significant was stopping her from telling us, but it was getting too dangerous to keep it hidden. From what it looked like, she could control some sort of magic. Witchcraft maybe? But nothing of that sort had even been heard of before.

It was time we knew the truth


Carlisle's P.O.V

Anna had been unconscious for five days now, we were starting to worry. Every time we tried to move her and change her clothes, her heartrate would dangerously drop, causing us to jump back. So we just left her how she was. The family and wolf pack had made a temporary home inside Anna's sick room. The waiting was agonizing and I had caught myself more than once wondering what I would do if she didn't wake up. The Denali's only had a week maximum before they had to leave and everyone had to get back to their lives eventually. Her school holidays were also due to end in three days, what would we do if she didn't wake up by then?

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