Start from the beginning

"Can't you go yourself to search for a house? Let me sleep would you?" Shelly turns her face on the other side to preventing the light from falling on her eyes. "I wanna sleep. Yesterday also you woke me up early."

"No. Wake up or I'm pulling off the blanket. Shelly. You need to come with me. It would be better for you to choose your own room type. Or else you'll crib all the time regarding the bad room. Come on you lazy bump." I pull her hand to make her sit up straight. She whines at it but then heads to the washroom.

After we are both ready to go another day hunting, I unplug my phone from the charger, switch off the lights and march to the lift. Like always, we gave the keys to the reception and our taxi was standing at the gate like always, waiting for us. "Good morning Weldon. Please take us to the Strasbourg city street" Shelly says to the driver.

"Sure." Weldon nods at us, cleaning the face view mirror.

"Oh first. We will stop at the cafe for breakfast." Weldon nods at my statement and gives us a sweet smile.


In the last 5 hours, we have been madly searching for a room in every other house but our luck wants us to return back empty-hand.

"Okay. Thank you." Shelly says to the 4th couple who denied two young girls to stay in their house due to safety reasons. "Lets go back. I don't think its worth another try. Only one house to go."

"Lets try that house too. Man. My legs hurt. Seems like a great workout day!" I say making a tiring sound. "Only one more house, or else we'll have to search for a house away from the college." Shelly huffs in reply. We start walking to the next apartment as we see for the house number mentioned in the address. "there it is." I point out to a cream-colored house with dark coffee colored carved wooden door. "Number 07."

"Now you're the one who's gonna talk. I'm sick of conversing with all the old people. They are so judgmental!" Shelly regrets for trying to talk to the owner of this house where we are about to get denied because we are young and they will not want to hazard their 'safety'. I hope we are lucky enough to get a place in this house. Provided, we are moving in with good owners and I can already see a good view right in front of the city street.

"Fine. I'll talk. Can we ring the bell first?" Shelly lets out a confident breath and rings the doorbell. For the first few minutes, we thought that there was no one at home. But then, after about 2 minutes of waiting, A lady in her late 30's as it seems, opens the door, although confused but still smiling at us. "Hi. I'm Alisa and this is Shelly. We saw your advertisement in the newspapers regarding room no rent?"

"Oh yes! Sure! Please come in. Please don't mind me, I was just rearranging all the stuff." The lady gives an apologetic smile. "Would you like some coke? Or shall I get you some coffee."

"No. Just a glass of water should do." She nods and gets two glasses of water in a tray and forwards it at us. "Thank you."

"So. My name is Laura Millicent. Nice to meet you. You guys seem to be in senior year." The lady asks us. I nod in agreement.

"Yes. I'm in junior year and my sister, Ally is in senior year." Shelly informs to Laura. "You've got a nice house indeed." The house is painted paper white all over and has a sofa just in front of the huge window which allows a lot of light to illuminate the living room. On the wall opposite to the window, is attached an LED TV, below which is a little showcase with a lot of crystal show-pieces displayed inside. It looks really pretty. on the wall adjacent to the window are hanging two coffee brown lamps, matching with the sofa color and the other furniture.

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