The Last Battle

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Rex's P.O.V

I saw Redblood's body fall to the ground and Shatter standing behind him.

"What?" Said Ash.

"You didn't tell them?" Asked Shatter looking directly at Xander. But he only shrugged. Shatter raised his hand and was about to let me down, "Shatter behind you!" I shouted. He turned and Redblood grabbed him and flung him across the room.

"Traitor!" He growled.

"Yep." He replied wiping the blood away form hid mouth.

"I was actually starting to trust you, then you did this. I thought you agreed to work for me." Redblood said.

"That was the plan." He replied standing up.

"What?" He asked.

"Oh, that's right. You don't know it." Shatter said in a mocking voice.

"I'm going to take your powers first and then kill you..." He began but Shatter said "yes, I know. Slowly and painfully."

"Shut up." He said.

"Make me." Shatter dared. Then all of a sudden the chains that was a holding my arms behind me disappeared and so did the others.

"Xander. Now!" Shouted Shatter and Xander quickly made a sword out of energy and attached Redblood. Then Shatter ran to the side and then ran twords us.

"What is going on?" Asked Ash.

"Yes, please explain." I said.

"Let me explain later, now just attack Redblood." Said Shatter.

"I can do that." Said Ash smiling.

After about fives minutes of fight him stepped back wards against a wall. "That's it! Noe more playing nice." Then his whole body started glowing black and dark red.

"Uh oh." Said Ash.

"Uh oh?" Asked Echo.

"Yes. Big Uh oh." Said Ash.

"What's happening?" I asked

"He is letting all of his power out. Meaning: that he is letting his power leave his body and become just pure raw powder. And at this point you ability's are limitless and beyond dangerous." Said Xander.

"So Uh oh." I said.

"You have no idea." Said Redblood. I looked at him and he was literally steaming with power.

"Now, I'm going to start with you." He said staring at me. He waved his hand and a bolt of black and blood red energy shot out of his hand. It want speeding to towards me, I froze but Shatter stood in front of me and his one of his hands glowed black and the other white. Then there was a flash of white light and everything was frozen but us.

"What happened?" Asked Echo.

"I stopped time, but I can't hold it long." Replied Shatter.

"You saved me." I said to him.

"The only thing I can do for a friend." He replied.

"Ok, now can you please tell us the plan you guys had." Said Ash.

"No not enough time. And that plan is out the window." Said Xander.

"He is right, but we have to do something drastic." Said Shatter.

"What do you have in mind?" Asked Xander.

"Well you know what he did, we can do that but combine all the powers. That might be able to work but only someone with a balance between light and dark ability can do this. But your going to have to trust me to lead." Said Shatter.

"Well you must saved my life, so I think I trust you." I said.

"I do also." Said Echo.

"I guess I do also."

"I trust you and I think your the only one thats qualified to lead, but your going to need some eles controling with you." Said Xander.

"Rex? Would you care to join me." He asked me.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think your the best choice." He said.

"Alright." I said nodding.

"So, how do we do this power thing?" Asked Echo.

"Just focus and let me do the rest." Said Shatter.

"How come I have a bad feeling." I said.

"Just focus." Said Shatter.

Third Person Narrative

"Did we do it?" Rex asked.

"Yep." Replied Shatter.

"Um...why am I looking at my body and why are you in my head?" Asked Echo.

"Let me explain quickly. When some let's there power leaver there body it is kinda like having an out of body experience and if people combine there powers everyone's subconscious is transported with there powers into the one that they have chosen." Said Shatter.

"Ok, so who's one are we in?" Asked Rex.

"Mine but you can control it also. Ok the time it is about to break everyone hold on." Said Shatter.

"That is impressive but can you stop this." He asked and another bolt shot out of his hands and they moved out of the way.

"That was too close." Said Ash.

"Ok, how are going to stop him?" Asked Rex.

"By sealing him permanently." Shatter said. Then he blasted Redbloood with a bolt of light that had a bunch of mixed colors.

"What did you do to me?" Asked Redblood.

"We, combined all are powers together and froze you. Now we are going to seal you forever with it will kill you." Said Shatter.

"You know that to do that one of you will have to give your self's to seal me." Said Redblood.

"I'll do it." Said Xander.

"What? No!" Said Ash.

"It is the only way." Said Xander. Then next to the combination of them appeared Xander.

"He is my brother. I will be doing this." Said Xander.

"Alright." Replied Shatter.

"Ready?" Asked Rex.

"Yes." Said Xander. Then all of the combination closed there eyes and there was a flash of bright lights and it was over. Redblood was sealed away in time and space it's self.


"What happened?" Asked Owen.

"We did it. But at a great cost." Replied Shatter.

"Xander? Is he?" Asked Scarlett.

"Yes." Replied Shatter.

"No." Whispered Scarlett as she started to cry.

"He gave up his life to save the world and all demotions. He loved you." Said Scarlett.

"Now what?" Asked Echo.

"Let's see. We just deferred the most evil man in the galaxy and Anakin called and told me they won the war there. I think it's time to party." Said Owen.

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