agree to train

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A/N: ok I'm skipping a boring part so I'm taking up when Shatter, Waxer and Echo agree to train to lean how to use there powers so....LET IT BEGIN!

Third Person Narrative

"It's been a while." He said to Ash.

"Yeah." She said with a smile. "Im sorry it took a while, my sister just died, I needed time."

"I understand." He said.

"Thanks." She said smiling.

"Hey are you two coming?" Called Jade.

"Come on." She said as she walked ahead of me.

"Quick questions. Why dose she look like a clone?" He asked.

"Oh, because she is Jango Fett form this demotion. You see in some detentions there is someone like you or the opposite of you." Ash explained.

"So she is..." He stared to say and Ash just nodded. "She is Jade Fett." She said finishing off my sentence. The snow beneath me crunched and I shivered a little.

"You ok?" Ash asked.

"Yeah its just cold." Rex said.

"That's why I'm wearing a coat." She said. Then suddenly out of nowhere a snowball came and hit Ash right on the face.

"Ok who threw that!" Said Ash. Then two more came out of nowhere and one hit Xander and the other hit Ash. Xander bent down and made a quick snowball and threw into into a tree. Then Ash threw one in the same place, there was a few moments of silence and a figure jumped down form the tree.

"Ok I give up, if you are ganging up one me." Said the girl. She brushed her fire red hair out of her face.

"Scarlett!" Said Ash running up to hug the newcomer.

"Ash! It's great to see you again." Said Scarlett, returning the hug.

"Everyone this is Scarlett Shade." Said Ash inducing her.

Anakin's P.O.V

"Ok here is a warning about Owen. He is um...." Said Ash.

"He is weird and a lot bit insane." Said Scarlett simply.

"Alright." Shatter replied.

"You do know he is going to want to train all of you if you even want a chance against Redblood." Said Scarlett with a smile.

"Well at least it will be better then Redblood's training." Said Waxer. Once he said this Scarlett turned around and laughed so hard she started to choke.

"No it won't be, theses are going to be the hardest days in your life." Said Scarlett.


Scarlett pushed open the door to a small cottage, and are jaws dropped. The outside was small but the inside was hug!

"Hey! I'm home! And we have guests!" Scarlett shouted.

"Who's here." Came the voice from the other room. And then in walked a man with dark brown hair and clear eyes.

"He's blind." Muttered Hardcase under his breath.

"Yes, I'm blind but not def." He said looking Hardcase right in the eyes.

"Its nice to see you two again." He said turning to Ash and Xander.

"You to Owen." Said Ash hugging Owen.

"Hey! You grew. I think you might be a bit taller then Xander now." Owen said and Ash laughed.

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