Domino Squad's First Assignment Part 1

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A/n Ok I said a lot in the description, and im just going to start. So this is based off the Rookie episode form "Star Wars The Clone Wars (show)" but it starts this is at the end and....yeah, note: this is not going to be in chronological order. (And of course Spoiler Alert.)

Third Person Narrative

Heavy moved him self forward, he heard one droid ask "Do we take prisoners?"

"I don't." He said as he was just about to press the button to activate the bomb but before he could a hand with a black clove stepped on his wrists of both his hands.

"They might not, you might not, but I do." Said a voice. Then the man who was on his hands pulled him upward and threw him against a wall. Where someone held him tight and pressed a gun under his chin. Heavy looked at the man who pulled him up, he was tall, wear black and dark gray amor and he had a handle strapped on his back. He turned to face Heavy or more accurately the person who was holding him and he gave them a slight nod.

"Let him go!" Said Caption Rex coming out firm the air docks, holding his two twin blaster's. Then all the droids in the room truned to aim there guns at Capital Rex and Commander Cody, Fives and Echo who joined him.

But the man raised his hand and the droids held there fire. "If you don't want my partner to blast a hole there your friends head, I'll suggest you put down your weapons....Now." He said turning to face them.

Commander Cody's P.O.V

"Just to let you know you have a minute to decide if you'll either surrender or die instantly." He added.

I held my blasters tight, I looked at over at Rex, who I could tell was just about ready to shoot this guy. I took a breath, and the man moved his hand upward and the person holding Heavy got ready to fire.

"Stand down." I said bitterly.

"What?" Said Rex.

"I said stand down." I put my blaster on the floor, and so did Rex and the two rookies did too.

"Smart move." Said the man, "Raya, drop him." He said turning to the person who held Heavy. They dropped him and the person who was holding him was a girl. She had dark purple eyes and her hair was to her waist and it was dark blond. I didn't realize she was a girl because the way she held him blocked out how she looked.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He turned and gave me a long look, "You can call me Blade." He said turning form me.

"Now what?" Asked Rex quietly, so only I could hear.

"I'm not sure." I replied.

"You four..." Said the man pointing to some droids "...I want you to bind them and bring them to the barracks. I want to of you inside and two outside. Understand."

"Roger, Roger." Replied the droid's. They blinded our hands behind our back and started lead us out of the room. Then Raya came out dragging Heavy behind her.

"You forgot one." She said coldly handing him to one of the droids.

"And make sure to keep your eyes on them." She said.

"Roger, Roger." Said the droids. She just nodded and turned to go back into the command center.

They brought us into the barracks and ordered is to sit down.

"Why did we surrender?" Hissed Rex after a few moments of arriving and sitting down.

"I don't know ok." I replied. Even though Rex was wearing a mask I could tell be was glaring at me. I gave a heavy sigh. What do we do? And who were those people? I thought to myself.

Star Wars The Clone Wars (Fan Fic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें