Day One Of Training

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Rex's P.O.V

Owen woke us all up early, and got outside in weather that I thought was bellow zero. I looked over at Ash she didn't even look cold, I shivered as a gust of wind blew through me.

"I like waking up early to train, gives you reason to enjoy breakfast more." He said.

"Now, I know all of you know a bit about fighting on a battle field, but it is very different when it comes to one on one combat. But in some ways there very similar, anyway forget anything you know about fighting. Understand?" He asked. Everyone nodded.

"Great. Let's begin." He said.

"Everyone attach me, use any weapons you want and if you have powers feel free to use those." He said. Everyone was unsure about what to do but Ash and Xander attached him. He didn't move at all, but once Ash saw about one foot near him he moved to the side and raised his cane causing her to trip right on top of Xander.

"Next?" He asked. Then Ash got up and tried to kick him but her moved his cane to the side so she just hit the cane and he grabbed her leg and flipped her over.

"Anyone else?" He asked. This time Anakin came up to him but Owen turned and slapped him with his cane. About five minutes later he wiped the floor with all of us, without even braking a sweat.

"Ok, we have a long way to go before any of you are ready to even think about fighting Redblood. So I'm going start with something very simple, target practice."

"Rex, see the mark over there on that tree?" He asked me.

"Yes." I replied.

"I want you to hit that make with this dagger." He said pulling out the dagger.

"Alright." I said I picked up the dagger, but it bounced off the tree somehow and almost his Owen but he caught it and threw it against a tree it bounced off that tree and hit the target perfectly.

"Hardcase please close your mouth you don't want to caught flies do you?" He said.

"Oh and I forgot to mention you will be blind folded while doing this." He said.

"So who wants to go first?" He asked.

After training that day...

"Now before anyone's faints from exhaustion I want to tell you that training will begin at 5:30 sharp and if your not here on time, and if your not up by then....well let's just say I'll drag you out of bed if needed. Or even throw you out of a window." He said. "Now you may do what you want, and if you have any questions feel free to ask."

"I'm going for a walk anyone want to join me?" Asked Ash.

"Sure." I replied.

"I'm game." Said Scarlett, but then all of a sudden she smile and said "you know I'm good."

Then once we walked out she shouted "*Have fun cum vestris boyfriend." (*have fun with your boyfriend.)

"*conclusit Scarlett!" Ash shouted back. (*shut up Scarlett.)

We walked for a few moments in silence. I leaned over to Ash and kissed her on the cheek.

"What was that for?" She asked.

"I missed you." I replied.

"I know, I'm sorry. I just need some time..." But I stopped by hugging her and whispering "its ok, I understand."

"You know your one of the best boyfriends I ever had." She said smiling.

"Wait boyfriends?" I ask.

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