Quantum Jumps

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(Chapter 8: Quantum Jumps)

Geheimnis answer my texts pleeeeeeaase :3

I rolled my eyes as I opened up yet another text from Leander. This marked the tenth iMessage he'd sent. I was getting tired of his constant interrupting. I used homeroom to do the homework I had "forgotten" the previous night. I outright ignored his texts and continued on with my math homework. Not even a minute later, my music was once again interrupted by another text message. I glanced over at it, irritated.

Come on! Is this about the underwear thing? I'm sorry okay! I knew you were in class and I thought it would be funny :p

I stared off in front of me, releasing an annoyed huff. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I glanced at my teacher to see him turned around and staring at his emails on his computer.

Yes! You're being really annoying and I'm trying to do my homework. Now if you can leave me alone, it'd be fabulous.

I set my phone down and rested my hand on the side of my face. I got through another problem before I was messaged again. I looked up to the heavens, silently asking if this was what I got for not doing my homework. I decided to ignore it, and continued on with my homework. Two more problems down. 4 more to go. Another message was sent, but I decided to ignore it. Half was through the problem, my phone started going off like crazy. My eyes grew wide as I dropped my pencil and grabbed my phone quickly.

SHE SPEAKS! And aw :) I try to be annoying! I consider it to be one of my many talents. Ooooooh what class? And of course I won't leave you alone

Are you seriously ignoring me? Fuck homework man! If you don't answer I'm going to send you the alphabet! I'm giving you 30 seconds







My fingers flew over my keyboard as the letters kept pouring in.

STOP STOP! Okay I'm here what do you want!? Just please let me finish math ;-; I have it 2 period and I only have three and a half problems left

I left our conversation up as I returned to my homework. Two goes into 10 five times, and y goes into y squared leaving just a y. The whooshing sound of a message coming in interrupted my music. Let me finish this god damned problem Leander. I quickly finished the problem, hoping it was right. I returned to our messages again. Sagging my shoulders, I rolled my eyes in annoyance.

I'm bored. My tutor called in sick today so I have nothing to do... Bothering you seemed like fun :3

I typed to him, my fingers speeding from one letter to another. My teeth ground together harshly.


Shortly after, I went into our messaging settings and silenced his notifications. I finished the rest of my homework in silence. I packed up the worksheet and slid my pencil in the spiral of my notebook. I stacked up my things into a pyramid, my folder, then my notebook. The top of that was my iPad which was covered by my rubber pencil case. I slouched severely in my seat, peeking at my teacher out from under my lashes as I grabbed my phone.

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