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Everyone was having dinner at Amy's house and so far everything was going good.

"Hey Midnight don't you dare eat all those cookies!" Shadow warned his son as Violet giggled at the two of them. Maria and Amy were washing dishes together talking about old times. Amy still wasn't the same tho she still smiles but they weren't happy smiles.

Dash reminded everyone of Sonic, he was like a little copy of him and that made some cry when they saw him.

Kunckles suddenly busted threw the doors, "Eggman has stolen the master Emerald and the choas emeralds! All of them!!" Shadow growled and got up "I thought he had turned good after s-" he stopped his sentence and looked away before heading for the door "I need two people to come with me" he whispered.

Outside Eggman base

Shadow, Midnight, and Knuckles were outside the base, trying to get in. "I'll us chaos control " Shadow whispered as he closed his eyes and whispered the two magic words.

They appeared in a dark room and suddenly Eggman appeared, "I knew you would us chaos control so I designed this room to bring you here when you did and you see, this will be all of yalls grave." The Doctor said with a smile as the floor turned dark and Mephiles appeared. "Nice to see you Shadz" the minute he said that Shadow froze, the only person that ever called him that was Sonic, memories flowed thru his head and his eyes stung a little.

"Dad!!" Midnight said shaking his dad. "Huh?" Shadow snapped out of it and turned to look at Mephiles "don't even call me that again!" He growled charging for Mephiles, only to get hit by something and go flying into a wall. His head was spinning as he looked up and everyone but Mephiles gasped.

Standing there was someone no one thought they would ever see again, Sonic the hedgehog.

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