The Fam

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Sonic p.o.v.

"Violet!!" I screamed as I knocked on the door to the restroom. "Yes?" I heard a little voice say from inside. "You have been in there for a hour are you ok?" I asked as I really had to go the restroom and didn't know if I could hold it in anymore. "Do you have to go potty daddy?" I heard my daughter say as I heard a lot of running water.

I saw water leaking out from the bottom of the door and quickly opened it. The minute I did a wave of water poured out and I went flying with the water down the hall way and out the door. "You can use the restroom now" I heard I voice say as I laid on the floor on my back. I opened my eyes to meet Emerald eyes just like mine, my beautiful 5 year old daughter was sitting on my stomach looking at me with her wet purple quills handing to the side as she looked at me. "I don't have to go anymore" I mumbled as she giggled so cute it made me smile just to hear it.

"Eww that's gross uncle!!" I heard a little voice behind me. I looked up to meet two sets off Crimson eyes. Shadow and his son, Midnight. Midnight was only a month behind Violet so they were both the same age. He was black just like his father but he had a light color yellow were Shadow had red. Just like me his kid had gotten the eye color from there dad. "Hey Shadz and Mid" I said with a cocky smile.

"Hey Faker having fun with water?" He asked with a smirk and the two kids giggled. "Come on let's go play!" Violet said as she jumped of my stomach and she and Midnight ran to the back yard, leaving a streak of purple and black. Yup they got our speed. "There growing up so fast" Shadow said as he looked in the direction they left to go play before helping me up.

"Ya I know" I mumbled as we walked in the house and I grabbed a towel to dry off. We were sitting when Amy came in cradling a crying baby. Shadow got up and took the baby from her "shh shh it's ok, uncle Shadow is here" he said with a smoothing voice. I was surprised at how good Shadow had gotten with kids. Soon Dash had stopped crying. Yup I had a second kid and he came out blue just like me, but he had Amy's jade eyes. He is only a few moths old but I think he got my speed as well.

I got up and walked over to Amy, "you need to sleep" I told her, I mean she was a mess. "I can't I-" she yawned before I picked her up and took her to her bed. "Sleep!" I told her as I kissed her forehead and walked back down to see Shadow playing with Dash. "Hey little man giving mommy trouble at such a young age?" I asked as he giggled "he's going to be a trouble maker just like you" Shadow said with a chuckle as I smiled down at my baby boy.

So ya it's been 5 years.
Please comment if I should continue and if there is anything I need to fix or you want to see happen in the chapters. And bye!
And sorry for the short chapter! I'll make them longer I promise!!

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