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Sonic p.o.v

Wow. It's been so long since I first started dating Amy at the age of 15. So much has happened throughout the years. I'm 28 years old now I look the same as ever just taller and a little more mature. Amy's quills have grown a little longer but she keeps them short. You might ask what has happened between use. Well I'm happy to say she is my wife now and we are happily married for about 4 years now, I got married at age 24, Amy 21.

Shadow is also married, in fact he, Silver and I had a triple wedding. Shadow married Maria Robotnik, who are probably wondering how? She died! We it figures out that her grandpa had made a hedgehog form of Maria with all her memories just in case she died of her sickness but when they attacked the Ark the Capsule she was in was sent out with Shadow's. We found it a while after the whole black boom thing and she woke up, with all her memories. It was funny to see Shadow's reaction to it all. It took him a while but now he got a little softer now, even tho he can still beat me if he gets mad enough. Maria is nice and she and Amy see each other like sisters ever since they first meet. Me and Amy had to help a little to get them to date but at the end it worked out great.

Silver and Blaze had been planing there wedding for a while already and finally did it when we doth did. Silver and Blaze are still the perfect couple they have been since we were all teens. They have a 1 year old little girl, she is a silver cat with gold eyes. We all love her and she is so sweet.

Knuckles and Rouge got married before us and had a baby boy with another one in the way, wow. The boy is a few months old and is a white version of Knuckles.

Tails and Cream are still dating but they are thinking about marriage in the future one day, I hope they stay young and innocent.

So this story begins the day I'm running to the hospital besides Shadow who is holding a pregnant Maria, but that's not the reason, the reason is because I'm about to become a dad...

How was the first chapter? I hope y'all like it and tell me if I should write this story or nah! Your comments help!

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