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Shadow p.o.v.

I was in my house drinking some coffee, when Midnight bursted thru the door with Violet in his arms. "Dad!! Uncle Sonic is trouble!!" Midnight yelled as tears ran down his face. I quickly got up "were!" I asked as I got up and walked over to them. "The lake that always freeze over!" My son said as I chaos controlled us all there.

We appeared and I looked around, I didn't see Sonic anywhere so turned to look at Midnight that pointed to a hole in the ice. I quickly ran and jumped into the freezing ice. I used the chaos emerald to give me light as I went under. I quickly saw Sonic at the bottom of the lake.

He was unconscious, I swam down and grabbed him from his waist before chaos controlling to the land. I landing beside Midnight who was holding Violet who as still crying her eyes out. I put Sonic down laying on his back on the floor. He wasn't breathing. I starting pressing down on his chest trying to get him to breath.

Violet ran over and fell on her knees crying "dad! No! Dad come on get up!" She yelled as I pressed down a little harder on his chest. He was as cold as ice. "Come on Sonic! Don't leave us like this!" I screamed as I stopped and my own eyes started to sting as well. "No!" I yelled as I pushed on his chest one more time and he coughed up some water.

"Dad?!" Violet said as Sonic opened his eyes only to fall unconscious once again. "Midnight!! Take Violet home! Your mom is is her house! I'm going to take Sonic to the hospital" I said as I picked up the blue blur that was getting colder and colder by the minute. I did know if his body could handle using chaos control so I ran as fast as I could. I had to blink to stop the tears from coming out.

Amy p.o.v.

I was having a good time with Maria when Midnight ran in holding Violet who was crying her eyes out. I quickly ran up and took her from Midnight's arms "are you ok what happened?" I asked scared that sometime had happened to my baby girl. "I-I'm ok b-but d-dad! " she couldn't finish the sentence and bursted out crying. "Midnight what happened!?" Maria asked as she saw that Midnight was also crying but not as much.

He whipped some tears from his eyes before replying to his mom. "U-Uncle Sonic save me and Violet from falling into the ice, b-but he fell in and Dad saved him but he is still unconscious and barely breathing" he said looking down. Me and Maria looked at each other before we all left to go to the hospital.

Shadow p.o.v

I was now in the waiting room they had took Sonic in and said no one must enter. Soon the whole family ran in, and I mean everyone! There was Amy, Maria, Violet, Dash, Silver, Blaze, there daughter Sunlight, Knuckles, Rouge, there son Fist, and even Eggman.

"The family of Sonic the hedgehog may enter now" said the nurse as we all got up and walked over there, her eyes widened as we all stood there. "Um..only 5 at a time please" she said. After a lot of arguing we pick Amy, Violet, Maria, Silver and I to enter.
I walked in and saw the blue blur hooked up to a bunch of wires and stuff.

"He isn't breathing that well and has water in his lungs, also his temperature is extremely low" the doctor said before leaving the room. In a minute Amy, Maria, and Violet were at his side.

I just watched as Sonic's chest slowly rises and fell. It going to take a Miracle to save him now.

Shout out to XxGamingKidxX , new account go follow! Even tho I think you all are already but still go go go!!! Awesome stories to read , Somany!!

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