"Ginny Weasley sir" I responded rather too fast.  He smiled happily.

"Your father is the Minister of Magic in London around Hogwarts?" He asked.

I found myself nodding, many people knew already that I'm the Minister's daughter. I heard a few whispers around the room. I tried my best not to let it get to me...

"Ah you attended Hogwarts?" He was clearly interested.

"Yeah" I replied awkwardly. The whole class eyes were staring at me. Some of Harry's group were burning holes in the back of my skull. I could just feel it.

"Anyone else attend Hogwarts?" He asked aloud and the room fell silent for a moment.

My eyes locked Harry's and he smirked at me.

"I did sir" Harry put his hand up.

"Mr Potter how are you? I was surprised to have the Boy Who Lived in my class room" the professor smiled fondly at Harry.

"Yeah I'm good" Harry replied happily. I heard the girls beside him giggle and I rolled my eyes. What a loser.

I watched as everyone looked at Harry with amazement and awe. It was quite annoying if you ask me. Like yeah he saved the world twice but he's just Harry to me. The Harry that I fell for once upon time. That little voice said.

I remember back at Hogwarts my crush for him grew, yes we hated each other but he did save me. I do owe him my life, much to my dismay. To explain better: It was around my 2nd year, Harry was the year ahead of me as I didn't go straight to Hogwarts at the age you were suppose to. I was home schooled until an age I could accept I was a witch. My mother told me I was a really powerful one and no one should test my powers, unfortunately someone did. That someone survived the killing curse twice now and has saved us from he who must not be named.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard one of the girls say something. "Do you know this" she gestured towards me. I glanced at Harry with raised eye brows and he nodded to the girl. "Yep" he limited himself to say.

"Now class you must open your books on page 1 and we will start with muggles" he started to get up and walk to his desk he pulled out his book and opened the chapter.

The next half hour or so the bell rang and I instantly got up. I made my way towards French to see if Emilie was out. I watched as the classroom was emptying and waited for my best friend.  Looking around I only saw Harry and his so called group make their way towards me. I tried not to make eye contact but my eyes failed me, instantly I locked eyes with Harry and he winked at me.

What is it with him and winking!! I rolled my eyes.

"Well well well" says a voice I heard before.

Turning around I came to meet with Harry's so called flirt.

"Ginny is it?" The girl spoke with such high pitched tone that I would of bat bogey hexed her right there and then. I gripped my wand in my bag as she kept ranting about me, telling me to stay away from Harry and what not. She's a fool she doesn't even own him plus he's my room mate! I plastered on my best fake smile when really I did not like this girl. She's a controlling pig that needs to back away. Or else she'll experience what I did to Cho Chang in fifth year. I'll make what I'll do to this whore look like child's play.

"Ok Weasle" I hadn't heard that surname since Draco and Goyle said it to me back at Hogwarts.

"Sorry what did you say? I didn't catch any of what you said because I was too busy not caring" I replied annoyed. I was annoyed by her presence, she just annoys me.

Every heard of annoyed at first sight? I sure have!

I noticed that Harry was leaning on a locker talking to some guy. Jason?

"I'm the Emma Cooper and I will strongly recommend you to stay away from Harry for your health and safety " she warned.

Is this bitch for real?

Her eye twitched before stalking off and I held back a laugh. She reminded me when Ron was about 13 and I 12, I was with Harry, Hermione and Ron outside the burrow playing a game. Harry and I were hiding around near our pond. We saw a tree and climbed it. Harry took out his wand and craved our name into the tree. I could tell you it was one of my best moments I treasure because Harry and I kissed.

What! We were like young teenagers. We'll he was and I was turning it the following week. I remember he told me I had something on my face and I blushed violently. I spent all failed attempts at trying to get it off. I didn't and so Harry came ever so close to me, I could literally feel his breath fanning my face. When he realised he was so close he kissed me. It was my first and I think it was his (not sure). It was so magical. I got butterflies Til this day.  Much to my displeasure we got caught by brother and he immediately tore Harry inside. I could hear him scolding Harry and from that moment onwards things weren't the same. I think? I can't really remember what happened. It's a blur actually.

"Ginny are you day dreaming?" Nina asked.

"Yeah she often does Nina it's just her" Emilie spoke while shoving a gummy bear into her mouth.

Awaking or getting out of my daze I saw my two friends greet me. They held food in one hand and keys in another.

"Have you a lecture(class)?" Emilie asked curiously.

Checking my timetable I didn't. Not till the afternoon.

"No not till the afternoon you?" I chorused back.

"Nope" the girls replied.

"Shopping?" We all chorused.

We all smiled and made our way out towards the big college. Taking our wands out we signed out, it was security measures says Jodie our secretary.

Once we reached Emilie's car I sat in the front while Nina got in the back. Emilie got into the front seat. As we were pulling out I saw Harry, he waved at me and I nodded back.

He was around a group of lads messing around.

Here's the fourth, look it's boring at the start but I must explain my story line, anyways I have to say in these few chapter there will be steamy scenes so I will warn those who don't like reading them.

This chapter is for JusteJuste and @Anonymous_Crazy_Girl

Love me like you do Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt