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Primroses POV

I was playing in the meadow, were my mother had taken me when I was a baby. My brother stayed inside. I had a swing, where there was over a river, then a forest. My Mother had told me those places were very important to her. I didn't understand why. I had never swam in the river, or even dared to go towards the forest. I didn't want my mother mad.

She always - everyday - says that she laid a part in history. I don't know what she did, where, or when. She says that on my 12th birthday she will tell me what happened. Today was my 12th birthday.

My mother had just woken up. She called me to the table for breakfast. I was excited, we were having pancakes. We never had pancakes.

"Sweetie?" My mother asked.

"Yes, Mom?" I asked.

"Hand me over the eggs please."

My mother didn't really prefer cooking, but I was there to help.


My mother was about to tell me the story. The story I had been wondering about all my life.

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