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Demi's pov

2 years and 256 days. 

My life hasn't been the same ever since I lost Eva, almost three years ago. I count every hour of it but it doesn't make the pain go away. My carreer is doing pretty good ever since. Maybe it's because I burried myself in my music ever since we broke up. At least it meant some thing good came out of it, people love my music. After my come-back album I've brought out an other album 9 months ago. It slayed the charts. I still lived in LA, in a huge house. But in contrast to my carreer my personal life wasn't going that good. Ever since Eva left I've been a mess. I've felt lonely and hurt all the time and now ,after almost three years, it's still getting worse. I ,still, try to numb the pain with drugs, alcohol and cutting. And ever since the break up I had no appetize so I didn't have a normal meal in like forever. It destroys me but I put on a happy face for the outside world. I think the paparazzi and my fans never really notice how I feel but my family does. They tried to convince me to go to rehab about a thousand times but I just don't want to accept that I'm destroying myself.

Lately I'm even missing Eva more than before. I used to replace her by sleeping with other people ,although I never had a relationship after her, but I just can't do that anymore. I've realized that she's the only one I want. But I can't have her and that's my fault. I looked her up on social media and my heart broke even more after I saw that she had a new girlfriend. They are the together for plus minus 9 months and her name is Stella. It made me realize what big of a mistake I had made by letting her go. I also saw she still works as a nurse but I couldn't figure out where, just as I couldn't figure out where she lived. But the one thing that I did found out ,thanks to me being a celebrity, was her phone number. Minding that I'm on drugs 24/7 I immediately dialed it, just a few days ago. She hang up as soon as she heard my name. I tried to call her several times after that but she never answered me. I just wanted to say hello and talk about life with her. I wanted to hear her voice but I couldn't. I'm drowning in my own sadness.

And now ,2 years and 257 days after I've last seen Eva, I was woken up by several sounds in my house. I looked at my phone and saw it was only 7.30am and I had no appointments today. I took some sips of an alcohol bottle ,I believe it was Vodka, before I went downstairs to see what is happening in my house. I didn't take me long to figure out where in my house. As I was walking down the stairs I heard the voices of my family. They sounded strained and I got a bad feeling in my stomach.

"Guys? What are you doing here?"

"Demi, sit down honey" My mom said carefully and I settled myself down at the couch, suddely feeling nauseous.

"Demi this is an intervention" Eddie announced. 

"I'd like to read you a letter on behalf of the entire family" My mom added. Dallas and Maddie sat down next to me as my parents stood in front of me.

"Dear Demi" My mom started reading "Before we get to the point you should know that the four of us only do this out of love. But we're all scared of what might happen to you if you keep doing what you do. We have all noticed your bad habbits, Demi. You're constantly under the influence of drugs and alcohol. You wrists are constantly red and you haven't eaten a proper meal in like forever. You might say it is because of your break up with Eva, but that's three years ago and you still have a life to live. Besides didn't you guys broke up because of your drug and alcohol abuse? We love you and that's why have decided to reach out to people, professional people. Demi there's a place for you at a rehab centre in Lemont, Illinois just a few miles away from Chicago. The treatment centre is called 'Timberline Knolls' and can really help you. They treat depression, eating disorders, alcoholism, drug addiction and mood disorders, shortly it's all you need. You can sign in today, they are expecting you and we are expecting you to go there because if you won't take this offer we sadly have to break with you. If you don't go there you will no longer be welcome in our family. But if you do decide to go there you will have our unconditional support. Please understand that we do this because we love you. Make a wise decision."

At the end of the letter anyone was crying, including me.

"Please ,Demi, go there" Maddie begged.

I massaged my temples as I realized what I had done. My family had indeed noticed everything and it had destroyed them. In the process of destroying myself I had also destroyed my family so I couldn't do anything else but accept their offer so I nodded "Yes... I will go there"

As I spoke these word my family all looked relieved, like a weight fell off their shoulders.

"Okay honey" my moms lips trembled "The plane is leaving in four hours so we should go and pack your stuff"

The rest of the day went by quickly. I had no chance to think about my decision because I had to pack my stuff and head to the airport right afterwards. Dallas and mom would go with me while Eddie and Maddie stayed behind. I was glad that they would bring me to the treatmentcentre so I didn't have to do it all alone.

It was 7pm when the cab set us off at Timberline Knolls. I was shaking as my mom and Dallas were both supporting me to walk towards the door. 

"Hey, we're here for Demi Lovato" Mom said as we arrived at the entrence. 

"We've been expecting you" The woman behind the desk smiled at me "You made a really brave choice by coming here. Please wait in the waiting room while someone goes throught your bag."

I nod walking towards the waitingroom, my mom and Dallas follow me at first but the woman says they can't go in there with me so we have to say are goodbyes now.

"Please stay strong" Dallas says as she hugs me "You can do it"

I hug my mom too and she tries to say something but she can't because she can't control her sobs. I quickly pull away, walking into the waitingroom not looking behind knowing it will hurt me more. As I sit down in the waiting room I look at the pictures of the staff members. First the therapists, all women. After that I replace my gaze to that nurses that are here daily. There are like fifteen of them but only one picture catches my attention.

The picture of Eva Grace Hemmings.


So here it is, the sequel to hopeless love. I hope you're gonna enjoy bc I'm pretty excited for it.

Tell me what you think of the first chapter! (:

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