But still, some part of him was screaming that he had screwed up, that he was going to really regret this. The thought of this made him scowl, annoyed at himself. Why couldn't he ever be one hundred percent satisfied with his decisions? Why was he so.... ugh!

Suddenly furious, he glared at his hands which were folded in his lap. Goddamn it. What was he doing with his life? He hated the fact that he always doubted himself. Could he ever be happy with himself? With his life? With anything?

The taxi came to a stop, and he sighed.

Well, he couldn't back out now.



Caden had no utter idea what to do or where to go. Heck, she had never been to an airport before.

Maybe that was why she was wandering around, clutching the straps of her backpack, looking around- almost dazed. Why the hell were there so many people and how did they know where they were supposed to go?

She was currently standing outside the airport, the chilly evening air nipping at her hair, watching people push past her, all of them in their own personal bubbles with their own stresses.

She sighed. All she had with her was her passport tucked away in her wallet. Would that be enough to escape to another state?

God, she had no clue.

A yellow taxi pulled up to the curb next to her, which Caden didn't notice. She played with the strap of her backpack nervously like always. Still not paying attention to her surroundings, she took a step backwards- crashing into a hard chest. Her face reddened with embarrassment, before she swirled around to the person who had bumped into her- or she had bumped into. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!"

Annoyed bright brown eyes blinked at her. "Watch it."

He was taller than her. That was the first thing she noticed. He was dressed in a white formal button up shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and black skinny jeans. With that intentionally messy black hair, and well, a gorgeous face, this guy completely intimidated Caden. She quickly took a step back, slightly annoyed by his demeanor.

"I said I was sorry..."

"I know you did," he rolled his eyes at her. "But that doesn't change the fact that you weren't careful."

"All you have to say," Caden said slowly. "Is it's okay."

The guy scowled at her, his eyes flashing. "Ah, but it really isn't."

Now Caden was getting irritated. "Dude. It doesn't hurt to be nice."

"The name's Zayn," this guy said, his voice coated with annoyance. "Don't dude me."

"Sir?" The taxi driver tapped his fingers against the steering wheel impatiently, looking out from the window.

"Oh, sorry," Zayn muttered, and quickly pulled out his wallet, paying the taxi driver his money. Caden rolled her eyes at him, before turning away, taking this as her chance to escape.

Until, she saw a very familiar black limousine pull up right behind the taxi.

Oh, frolicking unicorns.

Her eyes widened with disappointment and fear as she took in the familiar bodyguards that got out of the car- in their familiar black tuxedos and black sunglasses.

How the hell did they find her so fast?!

They were about thirty feet away from her and none of them had seen her yet.

They couldn't see her. Not after she made it so far. No. Just no.

Caden knew she couldn't run. If she did, then they would naturally suspect her. So she slowly and casually turned before they would see her face, her heart beating fast, hoping to walk away quickly- but not before locking eyes with one of the bodyguards. Ah, crap.

His eyes widened in recognition.

Caden was running now, pushing people right and left, yelping out sorrys and excusemes, trying to ignore the shouts of the bodyguards behind her.

She didn't think they would find her for hours, but they had already spotted her in 35 minutes. Great. She sucked at this whole running away from home thing.

She was still running, not risking a glance behind her shoulder. She knew they were close. But she didn't know where to go!

She realised that she was just feet away from the main road now, and her heart clenched. She had no choice.

The stoplight was green for the cars heading her way, but Caden shut her eyes, ignoring the hollow feeling in her stomach.

If they caught up to her, then her life would be ruined forever.

She dashed across the zebra crossing as fast as she could, as car tires squealed against the road and drivers screamed profanities at her. She just ran, her heart out of control and palms sweaty.

And then she was on the other side.

Caden threw a hasty backward glance to see the four bodyguards scrambling across the road, not too far behind her. Shit.

She was out of breath and her legs were aching, but she couldn't stop here. She had to find shelter, somewhere to hide.

A small grin broke out on Caden's face. Even though it wasn't really the time, she couldn't help but love how adventorous all of this was.

She glanced to the shop to her right, realized that it was Forever 21, and rushed inside.

She knew she wasn't very safe in here, but this store was huge. She rushed past rows and rows of adorable clothes she wished she had time for, and past mobs of annoying twelve year olds who were waving their iPhones around.

This overcrowded girly store would surely confuse the macho bodyguards who were hot on her trail. Caden knew that except a few of them, almost all of her dad's men were physically strong but mentally quite stupid.

She hurried into the restroom, knowing that the bodyguards would never think of coming in here, before pausing in front of the large mirror.

Messy strawberry blonde hair? Check.

Tired blue eyes? Check.

Faded Nirvana tee and denim shorts that made her look like she was homeless?

She technically was homeless. She had always been homeless, actually, because she refused to call that isolated manor on top of the cliff as her home. It wasn't and never could be her home.

She ran her hand, making a face at her reflection like all teenage girls do, before putting her backpack down and pulling out her makeup kit.

She felt confident. She was Sasha Fierce! She was going to make it out of this situation. Alive.

At the end of her makeover, she didn't end up looking much different. She just had heavier makeup on, losing the heyiloveniallhoranandpinkismyfavouritecolor look- making her look older and maybe prettier.

She smiled at her reflection. Nothing could stop her! Nothing at all!

Until the bathroom door flew open and in walked in a very pissed off Zayn.




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