A Couple Months Later

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Well Y and I are on very good terms. We are best friends. Like Shaggy and Scooby-Doo type friends. And guess what???

I am back in the video

Yep, he decided to let fake ass Megan Good go.

It's been about three months, so were in the month of November. I hate this time because my birthday is around the corner. Which means another birthday without my Dad.

Don't get me wrong, he's never been there but I still hurts.

My Dad and Mom Mia were together every since they were fourteen. Sixteen she was beginning to become more onto my Dad then school. Seventeen she was pregnant and she dropped outta school and stayed home.

My moms parents were tough and hard. They put her out and disowned me and my Mom. The only person behind her was my uncle Trey. Her older brother.

Soon my Dad started to sell drugs and he got pretty big. My Mom moved in with him in their apartment.

Later though she got her GED but my Mom was smart she went back to high school and then got her GED. So she has a high school degree and a GED.

After she had me- wait pause after she us.....

Yeah, my Mom had my brother first and then me. You see I blocked my older brother so the doctors never knew her was there. Well, until birth.

Wanna hear something crazy???

My brother and I aren't twins. He was there first but some how my Mom ended up pregnant with two babies at the same time but were are not twins but my brother and I are joined at the hip.

Jj is my rock. James Jr is his name. So my Daddy's name is James as well.

Speaking of uncle Trey he start calling.

"Hey uncle Trey"

"Sup princess."

"Nothing. Work. Work. And more work. "

"Damn you done grew on me. My baby is working now but couldn't get a job at sixteen."he said fake crying.

"Whatever." I sucked my teeth.

"Need some floss? Anyway how those badass anckle bitters and and bread snachters?"

"My kids are not bad."
I sated

"Ummm. Yeah okay." We talked so more until he asked about YG

"He's caring and OMG he just ummm. So sweet and nice."

"Y'all bet not be fucking and tell lil nigga I'd hate to fuck him UP if I came out to the city." I smirked okay.

Hanging up I was looking at pictures of when my Mom and Dad were side by side.

I heard my uncle say that on the fifth day of November is when my Dad left my Mom. So I was going to check on her.

I came to her house and I used my key. Its was kinda quiet.

Maybe she sleep. I thought

But I did have this bad feeling and it came true. I walked passed the bathroom tried to open the door. It was locked. I took out a hair pin and picked the lock.

And my Mother was laying face down not moving.


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Uncle Trey?


Kekes pass?

What's next???

Keke b-day

Y'all keep reading. 53 reads that's a lot to just have started writing. So thansks for everything.

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