Chapter 1

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(Quick A/N: So Aria is going to not like some pretty important people to the anime, but please remember that this is her opinion, and not mine. Nor should any of you take it personally if she hates your favorite characters. Sorry if any of you think this is a stupid note, but I really don't want comments about how she hates so-and-so and then everyone yells at me in the comments that I'm stupid and all that fun stuff. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy.)

"Hey, you guys!" Someone whispered loudly from beside me. 

I glanced over and noticed it was my friend Ally. "What is it? I was busy studying."

"I know, and I'm sorry to interrupt, but Yugi and his friends are coming back to school today! Can you believe that we're in the same class as the "King of Games?""

"I honestly couldn't care less."

"Why do you hate him so much?" asked another girl beside me. I didn't know her name. This was the first time she'd spoken to me. "He hasn't done anything to you, has he?"

"What? No!" I said. "He just rubs me the wrong way, that's all."

"Well, I think he's cute." Ally got that day-dreamy look in her eyes.

"Ally, you think Tristan is cute. There's something wrong with you."

"Tristan is adorable! And then Bakura..."

I rolled my eyes and looked back down at my book, pushing what I could of my chin-length white hair behind my ear. Ally knew I had the biggest crush on Bakura, but the problem was he was way to nice. He was always smiling and happy. Maybe it was just the accent that I liked so much, not him.

The girl beside me slapped my arm. "Guys!" she screeched. "They're coming!"

I rubbed my arm and looked up. Yugi walked into the classroom, followed by Joey, Tristan, and Tea. So where's Bakura?

Yugi walked over to his desk, and his friends followed him. Our next class didn't start for another 20 minutes, so I sat there and watched Yugi pull out his Duel Monsters deck, like he did every day. Only today, he just glanced through the cards, talking with his friends, occasionally glancing down at the pyramid hanging from his neck-his Millennium Puzzle.

I'd read up on the history of Duel Monsters when I was young. My father was an archaeologist, and had been there when the discovery had been announced. Then during my readings, I had discovered the ties between the game and the Items. I've wanted them for myself ever since. But, of course, I don't have an item, which means I have no way to duel for them, since I have nothing to give if I were to lose.

I pulled out my deck and glanced at my cards. I'd taken some inspiration from my classmates after watching them duel. I'd found me a Dark Magician and Dark Magician Girl, a Change of Heart, and so on.

"Why do you have your deck with you?" Ally asked, pulling me from my thoughts. "Aria, don't you remember what happened last time?"

I nodded. Last time I had my deck at school, someone challenged me, and of course I accepted. I'd never back away from a challenge. Long story short, he creamed me, then demanded I give him all of my cards, saying girls shouldn't duel and aren't capable of dueling well. Luckily, Yugi had come to my rescue, and I still had my cards. I'd glared at him, told him I could've dealt with it myself, but he just shrugged and walked off.

I glanced up at Ally. "I've gotten much better since then, Ally. Don't you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you," she said. "It's everyone else in this class I'm worried about."

"Well, don't be. No one has even looked at me since that thug beat me. I could have a flashing sign hanging over my head that said "DUEL ME!" in big bold letters and no one would notice."

"But he cheated! I watched the whole thing! He played-"

Just then, Seto Kaiba walked into the room. He sat at his desk, and immediately pulled out a book and began to read.

"Wow, I'd almost forgotten that all these amazing duelist are in our class. I mean, they haven't been here for weeks."

"Kaiba doesn't show up too often anyway," I muttered. The girl beside me slapped me, blushing. Everyone knew she had a crush on him, but no one really cared. Kaiba was a jerk who deserved to stay single.

"Bakura's not here yet," Ally observed. "Do you think he's coming? Class starts soon."

"It wouldn't surprise me if he didn't show. Losing the tournament must have been hard on him. He's so fragile. He might not want to face anyone."

"Who, Bakura?" asked a voice. "He seemed fine on the way home from the boat."

I glanced up to see Joey facing me, hand on chin, thinking. 

"So why wouldn't he be here?"

"Are you two friends, Aria?" Yugi asked, now facing me, along with all his friends.

"Not really. I just worry about him when he doesn't show up. He's always at school."

"Maybe he just wanted to stay home, sleep in his own bed." Tristan offered. 

"Hey Tristan, you finally go through puberty?" Someone called out. "You're voice changed."

He just shrugged it off. "Anyway Aria, don't worry about it. I'm sure he's fine."

I nodded, then glanced to Yugi, then his Puzzle, then back to my deck.

Just then, the teacher walked in, and everyone went to their desks. A moment after our teacher closed the door, it opened again. 

Bakura walked into the room and straight to his desk, which was right in front of mine.

"Hey, Bakura." I whispered. "Are you alright? You're never late to class."

"Yes, I'm fine." He whispered back. "I just overslept."

I nodded, then went back to my book. It was actually my journal where I'd written everything I knew about the Millennium Items, which wasn't much. All I knew was who owned the Puzzle, and that the Rod and Necklace were still in Egypt.

"Aria, pay attention please."

I glanced up and closed my journal, giving a quick apology. I felt Ally glance at me, then look away.

This was going to be a long day.

(So this was the first chapter/preview of my new fanfic. Let me know what you guys think, and I will update eventually. Probably. Love you guys! Thanks for reading!)

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