Lauren's hand softly brushed against Camila's as she watched Harper trudge in front of them. She had abandoned the wig a few blocks ago, complaining that it made her scalp itch and that it didn't matter anyways since she had black hair like Buttercup anyways.

Camila looked down at their brushing hands and smiled to herself as she watched Lauren's hand slowly slide into hers and they locked together, lacing their fingers through the other.

"So hey," Lauren started speaking with a clearing of her throat. "I read your poem.." She said slowly.

Camila looked at her, her eyes wide. "My.. my poem?" She sputtered in shock. "How?"

"Ms. Lovato posted it outside her classroom anonymously." She rubbed the back of her neck and looked at her. "But, I mean, it was kind of obvious it was yours. Not to everyone. Just me, Dinah and Mani."

Camila sighed and looked down. "Oh.."

"Listen, I just wanted to say, thank you for the second chance. I mean.. After everything--"

Camila looked at her and shook her head. "Don't. Please don't. I don't want to remember those days anymore.."

Lauren hesitated and nodded, squeezing her hand. "Yeah.. I understand. Just.." She took a deep breath the continued. "Thank you." She smiled softly and leaned in, kissing her cheek.

"You're welcome.." Camila said softly, smiling back before quickly looking over at her daughter to make sure she wasn't too far away.

"And one more thing.." She looked at Lauren. "Will you.."

"COME ON YOU SLOW POKES!" Harper yelped from a few feet away, watching them impatiently, not knowing she interrupted a very important question.

"Dinah has had an influence on that child. She is not allowed near her anymore."

"Agreed." Lauren giggled.

"Mooooommm-yyyyy!" Harper whined with a over exaggerated pout. "C'monnnn!"

"I'm coming baby!" Camila laughed and let go of Lauren's hand, running over to her little girl and picking her up, kissing her cheek as Lauren watched with a small sigh, wishing she got to ask her what she wanted.


Harper ran back toward her parents with an extremely giddy look on his face and she pounced into Camila's arms, jiggling her trick or treat bag happily. "It's full!" She quipped and allowed Lauren to take the bag to carry it for her.

Camila smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek, rubbing her back. "Good, because it's getting late and pretty cold. How about we go home and eat a little bit of candy while we watch a movie?"

"Momma too?" Harper asked with an excited twinkle in her big green eyes, turning to look at the older girl.

Camila looked at Lauren, who smiled at the two with a nod. She smiled back and looked at their baby. "Momma too."


Harper was now bathed and in her pajamas. Camila had showered herself and put on sweatpants and a sweater and removed her make up. She lent Lauren a pair of her pajama pants and a t-shirt so she could be comfortable.

She came back into Harper's bedroom and smiled at the sight of Lauren and Harper trading halloween candy on the floor.

"I'll trade you a Snickers for a Kit-Kat."

"Wh- hey now, Kit-Kats are the best ones."

"I know." Harper grinned mischievously at her mother. She sat cross legged on the floor in front of her. Her wet hair was slicked back and out of her eyes.

the secrets we keep [camren]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin