Chapter 10

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*Third Person POV*

It was 9:15 am, and campers where piling into the arena by the dozens. In the middle of the arena stood Chiron watching the campers who were bustling with excitement. Next to Chiron were Annabeth and James, James warming up, a smirk on his face the whole time. To the side stood Chaos' army, minus Kalos, watching James and Annabeth with disgust. Once the arena was full, Chiron called everyone to attention. It was only 9:20, but everyone was patiently waiting. James turned in a full circle, scanning both the arena and crowd.

"What," James yelled at the crowd. "Is Kalos to scared to show up?" The crowd laughed. "Maybe he backed out?" James continued to mock. The crowd continued but suddenly silenced, when a black portal appeared in the wall behind the army. James turned to the crowd. "What is there something on my face?" He turned and saw the portal. Beyond the portal he couldn't see anything, and he certainly didn't see anything behind the army. "Kalos still isn't here?" James asked incredulously. "If he wants to forfeit, he should just say it. Save himself from the embarrassment."

*Percy's POV*

I could hear that idiot running his mouth all the way from the training room on Plant Chaos. I looked at my watch to see it currently showing 9:27 am.

"For 'Prince of the Universe' he isn't very punctual." That was my cue. I put my battle cloak on and stepped out of the portal. My battle cloak was black with dark purple designs all over it. Under it my midnight black armour sparkled, standing out from the cloak. When I stepped out of the portal, my army did a pretty good job concealing me, but I moved my hand to signal for them to let me through. Slowly I walked past each one, them giving me encouraging looks, even though they knew I wouldn't need them.

"If he doesn't show up soon, I'm gonna have to shave again. I mean, I know I'm better than him, but still, it would be nice to embarrass him once and for all," James mouthed off. The crowd gasped. "What?" James questioned stupidly. Annabeth whispered in James ear, and James turned incredulously. I smirked under my hood, and knew he saw it when he visibly gulped.

"Well," I said looking at my imaginary watch, but had a clock appear on the wall of the arena behind me. "Looks like I'm right on time," I said as the clock changed to 9:30.

"Shall we?" I questioned, looking towards Chiron. Chiron galloped forward.

"Okay, lets have a clean fight. No killing, and minimal maiming. If you raise your hand for 3 seconds, or are cornered or pinned, the fight is over. And no powers allowed," he said, looking at James. "And no cheating," He added afterwards. I snorted. He thinks James power would be a watch for me? That's cute.

"On my go, the fight begins," Chiron announced, stepping back. "Fight!" He shouted, once he stepped out of the arena. I pulled out the sword on my belt and we circled each other. James' stance was absolutely horrible. He griped his sword wrong, and his balance was all placed on one foot. I waited, knowing he would try to make the first move. When he stepped forward I quickly disarmed him and pinned him to the wall, my sword at his throat. I waited three seconds for Chiron to call it, and when he was just about to, I felt a presence behind me. I laughed, pulling out a dagger, I tipped Annabeth's Yankee cap off her head, then held the dagger to her throat. Everyone gasped. Annabeth looked shocked.

"Well, I think we have a winner," Chiron said. I turned, putting both my weapons in their respective places on my belt.

"Hey Alpha, what was the time?" I called. Alpha looked at the stop watch in his hand and smirked.

"4.5 seconds."

"Wow, 1.5 seconds longer than usual, Kal," Beta said laughing, "I think you are losing your touch." I smirked, drawing both my weapons again.

"Do you really wanna say that again?" I questioned.

"Uhh, no I'm good, I'll just stand back here," he said, taking a few steps back. I chuckled and walked back to the army. On my way back, James has the nerve of trying to step up behind me. Faster than he could blink, I had a dagger at his throat, and his sword clattered to the ground. I threw James to the ground, placing my foot on his chest.

"You never attack someone while their back is turned," I said, beyond pissed. "Ever," I added, digging my dagger a little deeper into his throat, but not enough to cut him.

"Hey Omega, lighten up a bit," I heard Alpha say behind me. Realizing everyone was staring at me, I decided maybe I should, so I got up and started walking back towards

"Well, I bet you couldn't beat me if we used powers," James said smugly. I stopped walking and turned towards James.

"Okay, what shall we do then? First one to be knocked unconscious?" I questioned. James expression quickly went from smug to scared.

"Umm, how about until the other calls for a truce?" James responded meekly. I couldn't help but laugh because he was so pathetic.

"Okay, if you say so," I chuckled. I looked back to my army and they all had an amused expression on their face.

James quickly got up, and instructed a few younger kids to grab him buckets of water.

"Just because they are younger than you, doesn't mean they have to do what you say," I called to James. The little kids all stopped and looked at me like I said something stupid.

"What?" James growled.

"Oh, I think you heard me," I responded. I was trying to rile him up, because if he attacked first, that would give me a reason to use my full powers, and that way people didn't think I was trying to show off, even though I wanted them to know how powerful I actually am.

"Well, how else do you want me to get the water?" he asked 'threateningly'. 

"How about making it come to you?" I suggested.

"I can't do that," James said deadly quiet.

"Well then, let me," I said, and spread my arms. All over the stadium floor, buckets of water appeared. Everyone stared in awe.

I turned to the army and shrugged. "Let's get this show on the road," I said, turning back to James, cracking my knuckles. Then silently cringed as it actually really hurt...


3rd and final update of tonight, but more to come extremely soon.

Alexa xx

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