Chapter 5

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*Percy's POV*

Everything was black. He couldn't see a thing. Suddenly, there was a blinding white light. Percy closed his eyes, and when he reopened them, there was a man standing there. He was dressed in a deep purple cloak. On it seemed to be floating galaxies.

"Who are you?" Percy croaked. The cloaked figure chuckled, removing his hood. He had white hair, gelled back in a quiff type style. He had dark violet eyes. He was cleanly shaven, causing his facial features to be sharpened. He had a deep tan, like he spent all day everyday on the beach.

"My name Perseus, is Chaos, the creator of the universe. I am here to offer you something, should you choose to accept is completely up to you," the man said. His voice was deep, and soft.

"And what might this offer be?" Percy questioned.

"I am here to offer you a place as the Commander of my army, and my assassin."

"No way, I am not killing anyone else," Percy said quietly.

"Perseus, you would not be killing just anyone. You would be killing those that deserve it. Those that have harmed innocent people. Those that are evil. You would be saving millions of peoples lives," Chaos reasoned.

"And it would be for the greater good?" Percy chose his word carefully. If this guy was really Chaos, one wrong word could kill him, again.

"You would be helping more than harming. I promise," Chaos said, softly. Percy considered the offer. He had just met this guy, but for some reason, he trusted him. He knew this man was true to his word. He had nothing left for him anyways, after all, he was dead. After a few more minutes of consideration, Percy accepted the offer.

"Good," Chaos said, snapping his fingers.

Percy woke up in a bed he had never seen before.

"Where am I?" Percy wondered aloud.

"You are in the Mount Olympus morgue," Chaos stated, coming out of the shadows.

"So I really am dead?" Percy asked.

"Were. You really WERE dead. You have accepted my offer, so now I shall be bringing you to my home." Chaos informed Percy. "But first, we shall eat. You are probably starving." With that, Chaos snapped his fingers, and a table appeared, with Percy's favourite. Chocolate chip pancakes and blue coke. Percy dug in. Once he was finished, Chaos created a portal and turned to Percy.

"This portal will take us to Planet Chaos. There I will show you your new home." Percy stepped through the portal, Chaos behind him, and said good bye to his new life, and hello to his new one.

*Third Person POV"

Poseidon came running back into the throne room.

"Percy! He's- He's gone!" he said breathlessly.

"What do you mean gone?" Zeus questioned.

"His body! It isn't there." Annabeth and Athena ran out of the room, appearing again a couple minutes later, confirming Percy was no where to be found. Once again the room went quiet, as everyone grieved over the disappearance of their dead hero.

 *Percy's POV*

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