Jake just laughs harder and pulls us down onto the bed.

Once Jake stops laughing, he just stares at me, "You're perfect."

"So are you." I smile and kiss him gently

"I'm so sorry I can't be here tonight. I would be here if it was my choice." He says sadly

"Jake, it's okay. You're a good person. Besides, I can survive one night without you. Bella? Who knows? That bloodsucker could turn her into on of them. I may hate her, but I wouldn't want anyone to have that fate."

"I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said about Bella." He smiles

"I can be nice sometimes." I say as I roll on top of Jake.

"Hi." I smile, as I bury my head in his neck.

"You're so cute." He laughs, "you're in a weird mood. what's up?

"I'm just so tired of vampires controlling my life, our lives." I sigh, "I want to be happy but I know there's the danger of you getting hurt or worse tomorrow."

"Baby, please stop worrying. This is really nothing." he signs, rubbing my back gently

"Fine." I sigh and close my eyes, listening to Jake's heartbeat, "how much longer until you have to leave?"

I can feel him take in a breath, "About an hour and a half."

"Okay." I whisper and fall asleep curled up on Jake's chest.

"Jay." I hear someone call my name.

"Uh." I groan, basically still asleep.

"Baby, I have to go now." Jake whispers

"No. Stay here with me." I groan and wrap my arms around my boyfriend.

Jake looks so sad, "I'll be back before you know it. okay?"

I get off the bed so Jake can leave and wrap my arms around his neck tightly, "I love you." is all I say in a quiet voice.

"I love you so much. Stay indoors and don't leave until I come get you." he says firmly

"Okay. Just be safe." I say, then kissing him on the lips

He grabs my face and kisses me like never before. After a few moments, we're both breathless.

"Bye Black." I say quietly

"Bye Brewer." he smiles

After Jake leaves, I walk downstairs to find the whole pack and the girls in the living room. They all send me sympathetic smiles as I walk to the kitchen and get a tangerine.

"So was are we doing tonight?" I ask nonchalantly as I plop on the couch next to Embry and Quil.

Everyone looks bewildered.

"How are you not freaking out right now?" Kim asks

"I am freaking out. I'm fucking terrified. But there's nothing I can do." I shrug, "I say we watch some Adam Sandler movies, because I know none of us are going to sleep tonight. I hear Grown Ups 2 is a good one."

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