"Ashley, come on now. He's not going to bite." He told me and I shook my head, starting to cry again.

"No, don't put me anywhere near him. He's dead. I'm tired of death, I want to go home." I told him, holding on to his shoulders with my life. I didn't want to get away from him, and I didn't want to be face to face with another dead person.

"Ashley." He said and I shook my head.

"No, please don't put me down." I begged and I felt him nod before he started backing up.

"Fine, I won't." He whispered and I whimpered in his arms, having him rub my back again. "Chris!" He yelled out, making me jump a little. It didn't take long before I could hear footsteps coming up and Andy started to walk with me, rocking from side to side in the process.

"Yeah?" Chris asked and I didn't look up, just listened.

"Um, Frank is, yeah." He said and I heard Chris start to move towards us, then passing us.

"I'll take care of it." Chris replied and I didn't hear much or see much, but I felt Andy start to walk again.

I didn't want to look up, and I fought the urge to look up, because i didn't know whether or not I'd be near someone dead again. I felt him start to walk down the stairs, his legs folding with each step down and I wanted to lift my head up, but I just couldn't. I wanted to cry more, to just let every fear in me out with every tear. I mean, at any moment, me or Andy could die, and if he dies, then I honestly don't want to live anymore, I can't go on without him. When we reached the bottom, he held on to me tightly and i could hear everyone talking, mostly Ronnie.

"You have to take the arrow out of her neck." He said and I couldn't help but to picture it, holding on to Andy tighter.

"No, I have to save her. Don't touch her." Austin argued back, and I felt Andy take another step forward.

"Is she going to be okay?" I heard Andy's voice and it made me jump some and I felt him kiss my shoulder. It seemed to calm me down some, but truly it wasn't enough.

"There was nothing I could do." He answered back, and I looked up, just wanting to look at Andy's face. "I've been trying everything, and there's just nothing I can do.

His eyes seemed to water, and I felt bad for him because countless times he's told me he did care for her. I placed my hand on his cheek, making him look down at me and kissing him, and having him lay his head against me. I closed my eyes and caressed his cheek as our foreheads touched and then there was a scream, making me jump.

"No, don't do that." He said and I couldn't help my curiosity, looking and seeing Ronnie holding the arrow in his hand. Austin was there looking horrified as blood poured out of Pamela's neck and he couldn't do anything. I turned back towards Andy's neck, wishing I hadn't even looked.

"It's okay, it's okay baby. Just breath, breath." Andy whispered in my ear and I tried to breath good, trying to calm myself down. It wasn't really any use, because it wasn't working and I was working myself up because of something that might not happen.

"Are you okay?" I nearly whimpered to him, trying to take my mind off of things.

"I'm okay, are you okay?" He asked back and I shook my head. "Want to go to bed?" He asked and I nodded, feeling him walk away.

"Are you really okay?" I asked as he walked away more.

"No." He answered bluntly, and I looked up at him, to his eyes glistening more. "For the first time in my life, I'm really fearing being somewhere and what would happen. I'm scared of dying, because I'd be taken away from you and I'm scared to see you die, because I can't be without you. I just," he sighed and stopped at the stairs. "I'm thinking we stay in our room. I say we stay in the room until someone finds us, and then everything will be okay." He said and although it sounded like a good idea, I couldn't do that, so I shook my head. He looked at me slightly confused, and I moved in his arms to better look at him.

"No, w-we can't just hide and not help. People are dying and we need to help them." I objected and he looked confused, and then mad.

"Ashley, you're not making any sense. You were the one who was scared to ask, or so much as even look at a dead body, and when I suggest a better idea, you don't agree? No, no. We're not arguing, okay?" He said and didn't wait for my reply, just started to go up the stairs.

"No. No!" I started to yell, flailing my legs and trying to fight it, and he put me down, but kept a grip on my arm.

"Ashley, I will carry you up here kicking and screaming. Now please, don't make me do that. Come on, please?" He begged and I shook my head.

"I can't, and please don't make me." I started to whimper, trying to fight his grip, but was sadly losing.

"Ashley, you're the one who was running into my arms because you were scared. Now I'm telling you what I fear and what I want for us and you're going against it." He said and I didn't respond, having him huff. "Okay, we're not having this. You're coming whether you want to or not." He said and grabbed my arm as he started up the stairs.

"No, no, please Andy." I cried, starting to bend down and pull from him like a child but he wouldn't let go. His grip tightened actually and that's when I let my body crash down, starting to throw my free arm at him and kick. I didn't want to go and wasn't going to, kicking at the wall along the staircase. There was a creaking sound and then darkness.

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