"Are you going to be okay?" He asked Mike and Mike just sniffled and nodded, wiping his eyes and taking off his hat to fix his hair and put it back on.

"He was my friend Vic." Mike said and Vic nodded.

"I know, since second grade. I know." He said and Mike started towards the bed, sitting down and looking down at the floor.

I stayed close in Vic's arms, not wanting to let him go for the fear that he was going to be next. I kissed his chest through his shirt to let him know I was still here and he acknowledged it for a bit. Rubbing my back for a few seconds and sighing deeply.

"I think we need to give him a little space." Vic said and I pulled away to nod and he took ahold of my hand, starting to walk out the room.

I kind of felt like he was ignoring me some until he kissed my hand, making me smile. As soon as we got to the door, Alysha ran right past us to Mike. Him looking up as soon as she entered the room and opening his arms for her as she fell into them and landing on his lap. He sat there and held her as she cried, keeping away his own tears, not showing them for her sake. We continued on to the hall, walking past everyone and going straight to Erin.

"How are you doing?" Vic asked her and she sniffled, and started to whisper. We crouched down in order to hear her.

"I-i was going to tell him that I was ready for our family. H-he had been wanting to start it, a-and that's why he proposed last week. I was ready, I was finally ready, and now," she stopped and started to cry. "Now we'll never have it. H-he wanted a Tony Jr." She choked through her tears and I moved as Vic pulled her into his arms.

"It's going to be alright." He told her and I started to look around at everyone that was just standing around in the hall. All of them just standing about, and no one really showing much emotion.

I was of course feeling bad for the purpose Vic was worried about his brother. They, they had no reason to show any emotion, so they weren't showing it. It wasn't until I looked eyes with Andy, who was holding a sleepy Ashley and staring back at me. It was almost like Andy's blue orbs kept me in some type of trance and he was able to do that since Ashley was sleeping.

I just couldn't help but to feel nothing but guilt for Andy's looks, that I was too much in love with Vic to even look at Andy the same as I use to. I shook my head and looked back at Vic who was looking at me with a confused and concerned expression, before looking towards Andy. I was scared that Vic would suspect nothing from an innocent glance on my part, him and Andy looked at each other, before Andy looked back down at Ashley. Vic then locked eyes with me, searching my eyes and I felt like crying because I hope he wasn't trying to draw conclusions.

"Are you okay?" He asked me and I nodded, having him still look at me.

"Can we just, I want to go back to the room." I told him, making him look at Andy once more. "Please, I'm sleepy." I told him and he looked at me again before nodding.

"Look, if you need anything you can come and talk to me, okay?" He told Erin, turning his attention to her and l nodded as to agree with her. She smiled and nodded.

"Thank you." She said and Vic kissed the top of her head before standing up, I followed suit.

"I just have one more thing to do before we go, okay?" He asked and I nodded, keeping up with him. I watched him as he approached Ronnie, who was standing on the stairs with Ricky and Chris. "People are f.ucking dying and what the hell have you guys done to try and stop it?" He asked and it was kind of exciting seeing Vic mad. The only other time I've seen him like this is during sex, so this was a whole new side to him. "You're supposed to be some kind of a cop, can't you figure out what is happening?" He asked.

"There's nothing we really can do. It's not like there's a person sneaking up behind them and killing them. These deaths are occurring so randomly and spontaneously, how can we pinpoint the exact reason why they're dying?" Ronnie answered back and Vic got aggravated, growling a little and huffing before turning around and leaving.

He took ahold of my hand and moved me in front of him, holding on to my waist protectively. I noticed he got closer to me as we passed Andy and Ashley, and I couldn't help but to feel some sense of pride. That he was claiming me in someway and I liked that, I did. We got to the door and I opened it, having him let go of me once I was in, and just like Mike he started to pace the room.

"I can't f.ucking believe this. They're sitting there on their asses and innocent people like Tony are dying. What the f.uck?" He ranted and I had to grab ahold of his shoulders to try to calm him down.

"Look, it's okay. We just need to get some rest. It's like 6 in the morning. We can just go find help later on in the day and get out of here. We'd even be able to make the festival on time." I told him, smiling a little hopefully and he started to calm down some, nodding. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him quickly. "Now, let's just go back to bed, and please calm down." I told him, seeing him be hesitant before doing what I said.

I knew this wasn't a side I showed him very often, but it was one I was going to show him now. We started to undress, and I finished before him, getting in the bed and watching him crawl in after me. He pulled me on top of him so I was laying on his chest and I smiled as he rubbed my back. Kissing his chest where I heard his beating heart at. I may not have always been this affectionate to Vic, and I was kind of beating myself up for it, because I should have. It's a surprise he's stayed with me this long, and it was starting to make me wonder if he truly did love me. And if I truly did love him.

"D-do you really love me?" I asked randomly, making him look down at me as I looked up to him. He smiled softly and nodded.

"Yes, yes I do." He told me and I smiled softly, having him kiss my head.

"How come you never left me?" I asked him and he sighed, his arms tightening around me.

"Because I knew that in some way you needed someone to love you. Whether or not you knew it or not. You've actually gotten softer since the first time we started dating. You don't call me names anymore." He chuckled and I couldn't help but to frown at the memory.

"I'm sorry I did that." I told him and he shrugged.

"It's in the past. Plus, it was pretty adorable sometimes. Especially when you'd call me asshole. Everytime you called me that, I'd take you and slam you into whatever you were standing in front of and you turned into a soft little flower." He said with a small laugh and I just frowned more. It was an accident everytime I called him that, but when I did, I tried to use him to my advantage.

"I love you, I do." I told him as I looked up to him and he smiled.

"I know, I love you too." He said, kissing my lips softly. I smiled against his lips before pulling away and laying back down on his chest.

I felt him take a deep breath before rubbing my back and I slowly started to drift off to sleep. I'd open my eyes when I noticed that I was going to sleep, and would look up at him. He was wide awake, staring at the roof, and I was wondering what he was thinking about. It didn't take long before I wasn't able to fight it any longer and drifted off to sleep to the sound of his heart.

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