"I can't die, I have too much going for me." Erin said and Alysha agreed with her.

"Well if we die, we die. It was bound to happen." Onision said with a smug smile, causing more panic. I felt Hannah grip harder on my shirt and I sighed.

"Hey, just shut the h.ell up for a second!" I yelled, catching everyone's attention. It was now quiet, quiet enough for me to think, and that's what I wanted.

I knew everything I was going to say would be paid attention to for the simple fact that I seemed to be the only one in their right mind. None of these girls could take control after being so squeamish, and some of these guys might as well have been girls themselves. I looked about the room, at the eyes that were locked in on me, trying to figure out what I was going to say. The guys seemed to be the ones paying the most attention to me, especially Chris and Ronnie which seemed like something different for me. From the beginning those two, and somewhat Andy have been in control, and now it was me and they were paying attention. I couldn't let what happened to Ash happen to anyone else. I tried to focus my mind, but who am I kidding, I'm just tired.

"Now listen, we've all had way too much for one night. They're dead, but we need our rest and we can worry about that in the morning." I told them. Getting mixed in arguments, but there was some agreement to what I was saying. "There's nothing we can do to save them, all we can try to do is prevent anyone else from dying."

"But what if there's something here or someone here that has it out for us?" Balz said, yelling his thought from the door and I truly didn't have an answer.

"The best thing for us to do now, is just get into groups, or get with a partner and go to bed. That way, if there is something going on, it won't just be one person up against it."

Everyone slowly agreed with me and I watched them start to break off into their own individual groups. I looked at each pair, seeing Onision go with Ashley and Andy and didn't really find any surprise in that. He had been trying to get Andy since day 1, so go figure. Mike made his way towards Alysha, Ronnie with Chris, and Patty with Ricky. It seemed like they all had their own personal cult type thing going on and I could see it. All the people who seemed to have some connection or another with the people who died were together. I knew I'd probably have to keep an eye on them or something. Frank was with Bret, Gerard & J Balz and i figured those two wouldn't pair together if their lives depended on it. I watched as Tony paired Erin, Juliet & Alex, and Kellin with Vic. I smiled softly as Pamela and austin bunched together, leaving Josh F with no one.

"Come on, you can be with us." I told him, making him smile hopefully. Just the thought of having the person I loved in the room with me tonight would help me sleep better than anything in the world.

"What about the body?" Ricky asked, yet again; and Mike nudged his side hard and I looked at them confused. Ricky groaning and not saying another word and Kellin spoke up.

"Can we just go, I'm tired!" He said, whining some as he sat there on Vic's back. I didn't have an objection to that because I was honestly tired myself. I picked up their suitcases, taking Josh's from his hand and nodding.

"Yeah." I turned to the stairs, touching Josh's lower back, having him go up and then Hannah falling behind him with me trailing.

We slowly ascended the stairs, their bags in my hand and the others close behind. It wasn't until we were at the top few steps when there was a clank, and everything just happened so fast. I felt my heart drop as one after another, 7 knives came down, pinning Josh to the wall and holding him in place. They were all pierced straight through his body and he laid against it, crying. Blood seeping through his shirt and spewing from his mouth. I dropped the bags and moved past Hannah to the front of him, rubbing his face softly and looking at the knives.

"It's okay love, just shhh." I told him, looking him over and he just tried to hold back his sobs. "I'm sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I love you, I'm sorry." I told him, starting to cry myself and kiss him.

"Oliver, it hurts." He whined and groaned and I kissed his lips again, harder. This can't be real, it just can't be.

"Please, you'll be okay. Don't go." I told him and he shook his head, groaning a little in pain as I caressed his face, his eyes began to shut. "No, no Josh wake up baby." I told him, hitting his face lightly to make him come to, but he didn't.

I couldn't believe that this had even happened, I didn't want to believe it. Especially not now, especially when I was standing next to Hannah, the one I was suppose to love. The woman I share children with and have spent the last few years of my life with. I wiped my eyes and looked at her and she was more than pissed at what I had just done. I wanted to explain to her everything, that there were few occasions I wanted to tell her, but as I tried to speak, nothing really came out.


"No, you've said enough." She said and I watched her go down the stairs, her hands to her eyes and I couldn't help but to look back at Josh.

I know it was wrong, but I've been through so much more with him and I've never stopped loving him, I mean, how could I? This was the first day of so much of my life that I truly thought I was going to be happy. To have everything, but my everything was Josh, and I just wish that I hadn't waited so late to see this. I went back to his face, caressing it and crying against him and holding on to him as much as i could. I held on to him for so long until I was pulled away and at that point, I cried that I wasn't next to him. Looking at Hannah who cried and it tore my heart up to know I had hurt and lost the two people dear to me.

Who Done It?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora