As soon as I entered my room, the smell of fresh laundry suddenly hits me, immediately calming my nerves. I've always been a weak man for good scents and the smell of fresh laundry is definitely one of my favorites.

I dropped my bag beside a desk and went straight to my bed.

Damn, how I miss the feeling of the soft blanket under me. I love that the sheets, pillows, and the blanket smelled like detergent. At least I know it was clean.

I heard Jin's footsteps and he walked into my room without knocking.

I half opened my eyes and saw Jin pulled out a chair and is now sitting right beside my bed.

"So, tell me about yourself," he said and gave me a friendly smile. He tilted his head a little, waiting for my response.

This is the kind of things I hate the most. Well because 1) I hate talking about myself and 2) I just simply don't like talking.

But I don't want to be such an asshole to him on the very first day. I really want to have a nice relationship with him if it means I'm going to be sharing this apartment with him for a few years.

"Uh, I don't like school. I don't like talking to people but I don't mind talking to a few friends. I don't like school, again. And I sleep a lot. Like really, a lot. Like I could probably sleep for straight 72 hours," I said. I know it was stupid but at least I answered his question honestly.

"Oh, well, that's interesting," He says and I could feel that he's getting uncomfortable now that he doesn't know what to say next.

I looked at him again and he looks like he's waiting for me to say something. But I don't know what to say. I don't know what he wants me to say.

After a few moments of awkward silence, he finally gave up from waiting for me to talk. So he quickly said something about meeting up with his boyfriend and left.

I was thankful that he left. I really want to be alone. And I also thanked the creator above that my roommate is pretty decent. When he felt I don't wanna talk, he just stopped and left.

After a few moments of appreaciating the comfort I'm feeling right now because of the bed, I drifted off into a very deep sleep.

I woke up after feeling someone shaking me.

"What the he-" then I saw it was Jin.

"Jungkook, we have assembly this morning at 8. I would be going on ahead because I have to meet up with my friends. I don't like being late," He says, scrunching up his nose before standing up straight.

I quickly grabbed my phone from my pocket (I realized I'm still wearing my clothes from yesterday when I just got here) and looked at the time. It's 7:40 am.

I stood up abruptly and took my towel from my unpacked bag. I went to the bathroom and quickly took a shower. After taking a shower, I went back to my room to change.

I took a pair of ripped jeans and a black long sleeve shirt and put them on. I decided to just wear my old black and white vans despite it being so dirty from use.

I looked at my schedule that was given to me yesterday. It says that we all have to go to the gym 1. Oh yeah, that assembly that Jin was talking about. That must be it.

So I decided to only take my phone and my earphones because I know this is gonna be that long ass boring introduction for this school year. Just like we did in high school.

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