Whispers & Grumbles

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Chapter 19

Piper's POV

I couldn't stop staring at the glittering diamond sitting on my finger. It still felt so surreal that I was soon to be Mrs. Piper Acerbi. I look up from staring at my fingers and make eye contact with my fiancé. We had Adrianna in between us on the bed and were just having a lazy morning.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I reply, my voice in a light whisper just like his.

We spent the rest of the morning just laying there and playing with our little princess. It wasn't until lunchtime that I remembered something very important.

"Christian?" I asked hesitantly to get his attention off of the sleeping baby in his arms.

"Yes, love?" He says.

"Um well I love you and you love me and I mean we already have a child together but um I just realized we haven't met each other's parents." I say. His eyes go wide once he fully understands what I have just told him.

"Oh god your dad is going to hate me." He breaths out, his tone anxious.

"Um no he won't hate you but he might just be a little hard to crack." I tell him.

"Oh dear lord." He grumbles.

"Oh and maybe don't let him know you are in the mafia? I don't think that dads want to hear that their little girls are about to marry mafia leaders." I inform him.

"Oh hell no. If Adrianna ever came home with a gang leader I would kill him and then ground her for life." He answers, looking down at the sleeping infant in his arms with a tender smile.

"Hypocrite." I tease.

"Oh please, I'm the best possible mafia leader you could have ever gotten." He says, a cocky smile on his face.

"That's very true, my little pacifist." I tease. It is true. Christian was probably the best mafia leader I could have ended up with. All the people working for him can leave at any time just so long as they pledge to not rat him out to the cops. He respected his employees so they respected him in return. There were rarely any problems and if something did arise then it wasn't solved through violence but through calm discussions. It was extremely impressive that he managed to stray away from the stereotypical mafia leader persona and be so successful at it too.

"Mhm so when are we going to do this big meet the families extravaganza?" He asks.

"Well what about we invite everyone over for Christmas? We can have a big friends and family Christmas dinner. How does that sound?" I ask.

"Sounds perfect." He says, standing up and giving me a sweet kiss. I take Adrianna from his arms and cuddle her into my chest. I look up and see Christian giving us a tender look of love and affection.

"I love you so much." He tells me before bring me into a searing kiss. Let's just say that Adrianna went down for her nap a lot sooner than planned.

A/N I know it's short but it is there to set up the next chapters.

I will update again soon with something longer. xoxo

also someone please give me an idea for this chapter title cause mine sucks

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