Tacos & Burritos

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Chapter 14

Piper's POV

After Marco got yelled at for eating Christian's cheesecake, Christian came back to Adrianna's room.

"So-"He started to say before my phone ringing interrupted him.

"Hold on." I say, putting a finger to his lips as I answer the phone.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Piper Shelby Lauren! I am going to kill you!" Yells my best friend Paxton from the other end of the phone.

"Oh um, hey Paxton." I respond, realizing I hadn't called her in about two months.

"Don't "hey Paxton" me young lady! You are in so much trouble! I haven't heard from my best friend in two months! Not a peep. No texts, emails, phone calls, letters! Complete radio silence! One month was fine. I told myself you were just busy with life and that was fine but two months! Two fucking months! I was ready to call SWAT to find you! Posters nationwide! Search parties! Facebook posts with your face on them! So don't you dare "hey Paxton" me! Ugh okay I am done ranting. So what's up?" She asks, her tone completely changing back to her sweet and innocent one instead of her loud and scary one.

"I'm good. Got a new baby so it's been crazy settling down." I say to her.

"Aw is it a he or a she?" She asks.

"She. Her name is Adrianna and she is absolutely beautiful." I tell her.

"Thanks, she gets them from her uncle." Christian says loudly having overheard our conversation, making sure Paxton can hear him.

"Is that a man I hear?!" She squeals.

"Yes that was Christian. He is Adrianna's uncle-" I say before being cut off by Christian again.

"And your boyfriend!" He states, smiling proudly as he hears the squeals and shouts of excitement coming from the other side of the phone.

"Boyfriend!? Woman you have to tell me these things! That's it. What are you doing tonight? I want to see you." Paxton says and I know she won't backdown on this one.

"Invite her here for dinner. I don't mind." Christian stage-whispers to me.

"Well if you want you can come have dinner here at Christian's house?" I ask, nodding thankfully at Christian.

"Perfect. Can't wait! Send me a time and address and I will see you then sweetie!" She says, excitedly.

"Will do." I tell her.

"Kisses!" She says before hanging up.

"She sounds fun." Says Christian.

"She is. Thank you for inviting her." I tell him, looping my arms around his neck and pulling him down for a kiss.

"Of course. I want to meet your friends." He tells me when we come backup for air.

"Next thing I know you will want to meet my parents." I say jokingly.

"Ido though." He tell me, his tone honest and his facial expressions serious.

"Really?" I ask incredulously.

"Really. I know we haven't been together for that long but I really like you Piper." He tells me.

"Aw that is so sweet!" I say before pulling him down for a passionate kiss that makes my whole body tingle.

"Maybe I should be sweet more often if you kiss me life that." He says jokingly when we pull back.

"You can have kisses like that anytime." I tell him.

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