Nurseries & Cheesecake

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Piper's POV

Christian's rant had made Princess burst into tears and made guilt weigh heavily on my heart.

"Shh baby girl. You are okay." I coo, bouncing the wailing child.

"Shut that damn thing up!" Yells a woman who stalks into the sitting room. I turn to see who it is and am surprised by her outfit. She is dressed in a silky red teddy that accentuates her full breasts and round hips leading to a pair of shapely legs ending in a pair of black stilettos.

"Oh wow. Uh I'm sorry." I stutter,shocked by the gorgeous woman with warm chocolate eyes and long brown locks.

"And who are you beautiful?" She purrs, advancing towards me.

"Oh I'm Piper." I reply, sending her a shy smile while a light blush dust my cheeks.

"Piper." She says, rolling the r and sending a shiver up my spine. I swear between Christian and this woman I will be in a constant state of arousal.

"I'm Carrie." She says, extending a hand out.

"Nice to meet you." I say, grasping it and giving it a firm shake before she pulls me towards her. Our bodies mold together and she towers over me although I'm sure even without them she still would.

"So are you one of my new girls? I wasn't informed of any shipments but I'm always willing to take a new vixen under my wing." She whispers in my ear, her tongue flicking my lobe making me hiss in pleasure.

"One of your girls?" I reply once I finally recall the question and pull myself from my haze.

"One of my prostitutes." She clarifies.

"Oh no! I'm the nanny!" I reply,jerking away surprised.

"The nanny?" She asks, her eyes finally finding the small infant in my arms who had ceased wailing.

"Yes, Christian hired me to take care of the little one since I heard she was giving you all some trouble."I inform her.

"Oh thank god! You are a goddess! My clients couldn't get it up due to her cries. I was losing money left and right and I can't be replaced as the head of the prostitution ring so soon! You are my new favorite person. Anything you need at all you just let me know and if you need any help at all just let me know and I will totally come." She says winking, her subtle hint not going unnoticed, causing me to flush again.

"Oh well I will let you know then butI really have to go." I tell her, pulling away from her grasp.

"Where?" She asks, a small pout onher lips.

"Well I have to go to the baby store and get all the essentials and then go to my house to grab somethings for my new room and then go to the store for groceries." I tell her.

"I'll miss you." She pouts.

"You could come." I inform her,giggling.

"Okay! Just let me go change and Iwill meet you out at the garage." She says, before rushing out of the room. I head towards the front door, Princess in my arms and Josie walking next to me when Marco heads over and hands me a pair ofkeys.

"These are for the Cadillac Escalade.This will be you car. Have fun!" He tells me.

"Wait Marco! Do you have any requests from the store?" I ask.

"We are out of cheesecake, so we needa new one before Christian notices since that his favorite and the we need more fruit and then we ate all the cupcakes so if you could just get more of that stuff that would be great. See you when you getback." He says, walking off.

"Come on Carrie!" I shout, heading to the car.

"I'm coming jeez! Are you going to be this inpatient in bed?" She asks, a seductive smile gracing herlips causing me to blush like a tomato.

"Just get in." I mutter, hurriedly putting Josie in the back and Princess in a car seat. As we go the the store, the only noise in the car is from the light sounds of the radio and happy gurgles from the back seat however the atmosphere was comfortable between Carrie and I. No longer than ten minutes later,were we parked in front of Babies-R-Us.

"Come on, we have a ton of stuff to buy and plenty more places to go." I tell her, jumping out of the car, ready to shop until we drop.

Four hours later we had finally finished all of the errands that needed to be finished. For the nursery, I had chosen to do light gray walls with pink accents all over the room such as blankets and curtain and little pink elephantsas well. I had gotten all the necessary ingredients to bake all the desserts requested and I had picked up my blender that I used to make my own baby food. No way way my princess eating some jar of disgusting processed crap.

Once we rolled up to the house, I texted Marco to come and take out all the stuff from the car and putit in it respective places. Luckily the store sent a van with us sothat we could immediately set up the nursery. After another hour, the nursery had been set up with the help of Carrie and some of the other boys and baby monitors had been hooked up. Carrie had left, saying something about clients and appointments whatever that means. I put Princess in a wrap on my torso before heading towards the kitchen.Once I entered, I found Marco sifting through all the cupboards clearly looking for something.

"Marco can I help you find something?" I ask, setting a sleeping Princess in a basinet to takea nap.

"Where are the cupcakes? And the cheesecake? Christian will kill one of us when he sees that it has been eaten!" He says, his tone verging on panic.

"Relax. I am about to start baking everything." I inform him, getting the ingredients for each dessertout.

"You are going to bake?" Hequestions.

"Of course! And then while they arein the oven I will prep some baby food and then maybe start on somedinner. How does spaghetti and meatballs sound?" I ask, washing myhands and putting on my apron and throwing my long blonde hair in aponytail.

"I love you so much!" Marco says, giving me a kiss on the cheek before running out of the kitchen togod knows where.

Christian's POV

"Dude you like have to marry the chick cause otherwise I will." Marco says, after bursting throughmy door, panting.

"What are you talking about?" Iask, not looking up from the contract that I was sifting through.

"Piper! She is so perfect! We all know you need to settle down soon and that you need a level headed woman that won't just sit back. Piper is that woman!" Marco shouts,practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"Marco I am not going to marry her."I tell him.

"Dude, she made the baby stop crying,she is baking cupcakes and a cheesecake for you, she makes her own baby food and is making spaghetti and meatballs for everyone for dinner. This is all while surveying a baby. She is like a renaissancewoman!" Marco tells me.

"She is making my cheesecake? You know I only like the one from Luna's Bakery!" I shout.

"She insisted on not buying anything from a store. I think she is one of those woman that cooks everything." Marco ponders.

"Ugh it will probably be disgusting!"I cry, frustrated. My cheesecake is the one thing that everyone knows not to touch unless they want a bullet in their skull.

"How about we make a deal?" Macro questions, a sly smirk on his face.

"What is it? If I like it I willagree." I say, skeptical of what he will come up with.

"If her cheesecake is delicious andbetter than the bakery's then you have to woo her and marry her."Marco states.

"Deal. It won't be that good." I say certainly, shaking his hand to seal the agreement. Little did I know, I had just lost.

A/N: Hey guys! Let me know what you think.


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