Family Dinner

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Piper's POV

The cupcakes were cooling, the sauce simmering, the cheesecake was in its final stages of preparation and a few days worth of baby food had been prepared and stored in the fridge. Princess had gotten slightly fussy after her nap so I gave her a warm bottle and rocked her until she quieted back down. So far she is one of the best babies I have worked with.

"When should dinner be done?" Marco asks, reentering the kitchen.

"Soon, at the most thirty minutes."I inform him.

"Oh great!" He exclaims. "I can't wait to try the cheesecake."

"Well while you wait, who don't you go set the table for however many people are eating." I tell him,turning to the pantry to retrieve the boxes of pasta that must be boiled for the meal.

"Well we will have about twenty people for dinner and I will call one of the maids to set up the dining room." He says.

"Are you busy at the moment?" I ask.

"No not at this moment." He says.

"Perfect then you can go and set the table. The maids are busy while you are not. It works out perfectly."I say.

"But they are paid for that type of thing." He whines.

"But they are busy so get to it." I say, shooing the sulking man out. I get back to preparing dinner and after everything is cooked and ready, I plate the meal so that everyone's portions are even and no one is served any less than another. I ask Marco how to call people to dinner, after having set plates at each seat. He informs me that a button in the kitchen activates a bell that signals the meal is ready. It is quite a shock to see everyone come rushing in and taking their places as soon as the bell goes off.

"What! No take-out?!" Asks Carrie.

"Take-out? Of course not." I say,appalled at the idea of serving everyone food that is not home cooked.

"Dude screw take-out! This shit is fucking delicious!" One guy, whom I later learned was named Alex,exclaims.

"Language!" I scold, motioning to the small child in my arms. After feeding her one last time, I had changed her and put her in the wrap so that she could sleep but I could keep an eye on her during dinner.

Suddenly the doors at the end of the room burst open and in walks Christian. His eyes seem tired and I can feel the stress rolling off his tense shoulders. I will have to bring him some cheesecake later and maybe give him a quick back massage.

"Good evening everyone. I expect progress reports on my desk tomorrow morning." He says, before taking his place at the head of the table and digging in to his meal."This is delicious Piper. Let's only hope the cheesecake measures up to my expectations." He says, sparing me a brief glance as I sit two seats down from him, in between Marco and Carrie.

"Wait you made him a cheesecake?"Carrie asks.

"Of course. I believe in hand making the majority of the things I serve." I inform her.

"This should be interesting." She mutters.

"Wait Marco ate all the cupcakes!Please tell me that someone bought more!" Someone shouts from further down the table. Everyone turns an accusing stare at Marco,who slinks down in his chair guiltily.

"Everyone calm down. I made some this afternoon." I tell everyone.

"What flavors though?" Carrie asks.

"Well we have all vanilla, all chocolate, vanilla and chocolate, red velvet, lemon, peanut butter,and coconut. I wasn't sure what everyone wanted to I just made them all. Thank goodness there are so many ovens in that kitchen." I say, everyone's mouths gaping at the extensive list I just spoke.

"Who are you?" Asks the same guy who I scolded for using vulgar language.

"I'm Piper, the nanny." I say,officially introducing myself.

"Oh thank god! I can finally sleep! I swear she would cry all night long and no one could get her to calm down." He exclaims.

"I gather none of you have children."I say, referring to everyone at the table.

"Not with this life style." He replies. "By the way I'm Alex." He introduces himself, setting off a chain reaction as everyone at the table introduces themselves to me.

"It is very nice to meet you all."I reply, send soft smiles to everyone. It is at that moment thatPrincess wakes up with a wail. "Now if you will excuse me." I say, rushing out of the room to comfort the small infant.

Christian's POV

"Dude where did you find her?"Alex, one of my best weapons and arms dealers, asks me.

"Marco found her. Apparently she is the best nanny." I say.

"Yeah no shit plus she is hot as hell." He replies.

"No sleeping with my nanny." I growl.

"Whoa sorry man. I didn't know that you already had dibs." He says, raising him arms in surrender.

"Actually he has to marry her."Marco boasts.

"What?" Alex asks, everyone at the table surprised by the comment Marco just made.

"What Marco meant to say was that he made me a bet that if Piper's cheesecake is better than that of the bakery then I must try and woo her. We all know I need to settle down soon but Marco has apparently taken it upon himself to select my future bride. Although I doubt the cheesecake will be good. Luna's is the best." I respond.

"Dammit Chris! I wanted to sleep with her!" Carrie exclaims, pouting.

"Please she is so straight." SaysLila, a trusted drug dealer.

"Oh yeah?" Taunts Carrie.

"Yeah." Replies Lila.

"I bet you if I can make her squirm from arousal that you have to do my progress report for tomorrow."Carrie baits Lila.

"You got yourself a bet." Lila says, the girls shaking hands to seal the deal.

"Hey no sleeping with the nanny!"Alex exclaims.

"I won't sleep with her, just tease her a bit." Carrie replies. At this moment, Piper re-enters the room, oblivious to the deal that had just been placed upon her sexual preference, although I am betting against Carrie.

"Are we ready for dessert?" She asks, looking beautiful in a simple white, long sleeved romper that made her tan stand out and her legs look endless. As people begin to nod she reopens the door leaving it open for the maids who enter with trays of cupcakes. As soon as the place them in the center of the long table they begin to remove the dinner plates. I see Piper making her way towards me with a magnificent looking vanilla cheesecake.

All I can think is that I have just lost the bet.

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