Winners & Losers

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Christian's POV


The perfect creamy filling with the crumbly graham cracker crust. The sweet vanilla flavor that is not too strong but just perfectly balanced. It has to be the best cheesecake I have ever had. I can feel Marco smirking at me, that smug bastard.

I look at him, spotting the smirk thatI knew he would be sporting, resulting in me sending him a glare.

"So Christian, how is that cheesecake?" Marco asks, that smug smirk on his face just begging to be punched off.

"Fine." I mutters, not wanting to admit that he won the bet, not because I wouldn't want to marry Piper but because I hate losing bets to Marco.

"Just fine? Are you sure that it is just fine?" Marco asks, taunting me.

"Ok it's delicious! Best cheesecake I have ever had! Happy?" I say, watching his smirk turn into a large grin.

"Ecstatic." Marco responds. I knew he would be. Not only did he just win bragging right about winning the bet but now he also get to see me woo Piper. I know he is happy because if I do marry her, then she will be here forever and I can tell he is looking forward to all the cupcakes.

I catch Piper's eye and she looks confused as she glances between Marco and I's exchange.

"It delicious." I reassure her.

"Well I am glad you like it. I try to avoid buying things made in other places. That way I know what ingredients go into everything and of course that way my love is the key ingredient." She says, a light blush on her cheeks.

"Well, now that we have all finished our desserts, let me remind you all that the progress reports are to be submitted tomorrow." I remind the people at the table.

"Lila, I will send you my files. Have fun!" Says Carrie, smirking at a fuming Lila. I chuckle and stand,making my way out of the dining room and up towards my office.

"Christian!" I hear Piper yell after me.

"Yes?" I ask, pausing halfway up the stairs.

"I was wondering if we could talk, perhaps in your office?" She asks, the baby secured to her bosom.

"Yes of course. Follow me." I say,gesturing for her to walk up in front of me. As we make our way up, I can't seem to be able to tear my gaze away from her perfectly firmed and rounded ass. All to soon we are in my office and as she takes a seat on one of the leather chairs in front of my desk, my view of her amazing derriere is obstructed.

"So what did you need to discuss withme?" I ask.

"Well I can't keep calling her Princess so I was wondering what you had named her?" She asks me,making me realize that I didn't even know the baby's name.

"Um well here is the thing...We never really gave her one." I say sheepishly. She looks slightly confused by the answer so I clarify. "We just always referred to her as thebaby."

"Well do you have any ideas on what she should be called?" She asks.

"Um not really." I say, avoiding eye contact for I'm sure the only emotion in her eyes will be anger.

"Hey that's fine. I get it Christian,you didn't ask for this baby so of course it is expected of you to not know what to do. That's what I am here for. So why don't we look at baby names together?" She proposes, her tone sincere and her eyes, when I look into them, hold nothing but sympathy and understanding.

"Um okay. Is there like a book or something?" I ask.

"Well there are websites or we can just throw around names that we both like." She suggests.

"Let's do the website first." I decide.

A/N  Hey guys so I know it's short but that is for a reason.

Do any of you guys have any good baby names? Put them in the comments and if I like them then maybe I will use them in the next part.



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