Chapter Three

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He may not like girls, but Rose did look beautiful.

Dressed in a black dress with a purple sash, it moved to reveal glimpses of her long, pale legs. She almost made him wish he liked her- romantically, that is.


Because the sight of Dave, in a black suit and white tie, made his heart nearly jump out of his chest. Even Jade on his arm didn't deter John's emotions from going into a tailspin.

"Hey guys. Jade, you look beautiful. But who's the ugly guy you brought along as your pity date?" said Rose, a light teasing tone in her voice. Wearing a black dress with spots of green that showed her bare shoulders and collarbones, she truly was stunning. A perfect match to Dave.

However, John was determined not to sulk over Dave the whole night. He was with his friends and he was going to have fun if it killed him.

Of course, seeing how close Dave and Jade were, it just might.

"So, where are we going to dinner?" asked John lightly.

"McDonald's. Five-star cuisine."

Jade gaped at him, her green eyes huge. "I'm kidding, pumpkin." Pumpkin? "I found this fancy steak place nearby. It's a good thing Mom is paying." He winked at Rose.

In the car, John found himself crammed against Rose with Jade looking at them both curiously. He tried his best to calmly grab/hold her hand.

They really needed to act more like a couple to fool them. He wondered- was Rose doing this just to be nice, or was she hiding something too?

The thought was jolted out of his head when the car hit a speed bump and simultaneously thrust Rose into his lap. Damn Dave for telling them seat belts weren't needed- now his beautiful and funny friend was sitting on top of him.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning his cheek against her back. If he closed his eyes, he could pretend she was Dave. They smelled similar- like cinnamon. Plus, he couldn't deny the pleasure of someone else's skin.

Lost in his fantasies, John barely noticed when they arrived at the restaurant. "You really weren't kidding when you said it was fancy." murmured John. Glittering lights outlined the name in bright letters.

"Cut? What kind of name is Cut?" puzzled Jade.

"Who knows, but apparently there food is awesome." said Dave cheerfully, stepping through the ornate doors.

Inside, John felt his jaw drop. It was dazzlingly white from floor to ceiling, amplifying the glow of the sunlight in through the windows. People with immaculate suits and perfect hair strode from room to room. It was impossible to tell the difference between waiter and customer- everyone looked so perfect.

"Well, it seems like we'll fit right in!" cried Rose happily. With her night-black dress and darker makeup, she was a beacon of darkness in the creamy room. Only her hair fit in.

A waiter came up to them dressed nicer than John was. "Do you have a reservation?"

"Yes, under 'Lalonde'." said Rose immaculately. "We'd like a table near the window please- and quickly."

The waiter nodded without hesitation, leading them to an area that looked out on buildings stretching across the skyline.

Nestled next to Rose and across from Dave, he felt oddly at ease. It felt less like a date and more like the four of them just hanging out. It was... peaceful.

Until Jade rested her head on Dave shoulder and he sighed in bliss.

Looking through the menu in order to distract himself from the lovebirds, John felt like crying. The average price of a meal was around a hundred dollars.

Per person.

"Dave, does your mom expect us all to get married? Is that why she's spending your college funds on a steak dinner?"

John meant it as a joke, but he was surprised when he saw color flood Dave's pale cheeks. "Well- she- um-"

Jade butted in, happiness glinting in her eyes. "She told me once I would look beautiful in a wedding dress she'd found. I really think she ships us. It's kind of funny."

"Jade, it isn't funny. It's embarrassing as h-ll. I don't want my mom planning my wedding!"

"Are you saying you don't want to marry me?" She teased.

John glanced at Rose, fear evident in his eyes. Of course, Rose just looked back with amusement. Clearly she was enjoying this.

He reached for Rose's hand, not to flirt, but to take comfort in her warmth. Sometimes it felt like his friend was the only one keeping him sane.

Good thing he was gay- if he dated her and they broke up, his life would go down faster than Dave's coolness when he caught him dancing to a Taylor Swift song.

Trying to ease some of the tension he felt (of course, it was probably just him), he groped for something to say to Dave. "Uh... what... are you gonna order?" He stammered awkwardly. Ugh. That was terrible.

But behind his sunglasses, Dave's eyes brightened. "They have apple juice on this menu! That's amazing!"

John smirked lightly. "You do realize apple juice has an uncanny resemblance to pee, right?" Dave just waved him off.

"Don't ruin my juice, man. Apple juice is the fuckin' nectar of the gods. Even if it is their pee."

Surprisingly, the waiter wasn't fazed by a seventeen year old boy ordering apple juice- or a seventeen year old girl ordering champagne.

"You sure you should be drinking that Rose?" asked John nervously. He didn't think alcohol was the best thing for Rose- or anyone under the age of twenty-one. Fake or not, she was his date.

Rose waved him off with an uncanny resemblance to Dave. "It's just one glass. Don't be such a worrywart."

Four dinners and five glasses later, John was beginning to regret coming here. Rose, however? For Rose, the party had just begun.

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