[Post #6] [Touch me]

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I read through his most recent post, from just a few hours ago. Before reading, I scroll down to see how many likes he has; which has now reached a record of 15. I'm amazed that people like reading stuff like this; confessions of a teenage boy about another teenage boy. I glance at the comments, of which there are five.

mcrbxtch says: i feel for u hun. wish u best of luck.

petewentzisbae says: Don't you feel uncomfortable sharing this? what if the guy you speak about find this blog? what will you do then?

   lettersfrompenguin replied: idk. cry?

       petewentzisbae says: don't say i didn't warn you, this could end real badly

           lettersfrompenguin: thx for your warning. but i assure you i will make him mine.

I find myself smiling a little at Luke's final comment. 

I've never thought about liking Luke. It seemed out of the question; we both knew perfectly well that we were completely straight; he had his girlfriend, I had mine. Since when did Luke start liking me?

[Post #5] [Touch Me]

Tuesday 17/7/12 20:34

Dear C.H,

I'm in so much pain C. I need to see you. Don't say that it's only been five hours since we last met, I don't care about that, I just need to be with you right now, in your arms, surrounded in your scent... My heart aches, I'm so tired, you spend ages replying to my texts and now I feel like crying.

I know I'm wrong. I have a girlfriend, yet I'm being unloyal and falling in love with someone else. 

I know I see you 6/7 of the week. Sometimes even 7/7.

But the holidays are approaching, and I feel desperate to make plans with you, without the other half of the band, just us; bonding to Green Day or Mayday Parade, sleeping in the same bed, watching a film with pizza. 

Can't you help me alleviate my pain? I need you so much. I need you to hug me again, I need your touch, I need to stop feeling so fucking bad about liking you because it's killing me and I need you to like me back.

I'm sorry that I love you. If only it were someone else, perhaps I wouldn't feel this way.



Penguin <(")

A/N: Short af, sorry about that. Leave a vote/comment if you enjoyed :) I relate to Luke's blog so much, it hurts me too. I actually did exactly what he did, but I wasn't so embarrassing about it. 

Anyways. Gonna go. Hope you guys enjoyed.

Kimmy xx

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